Tuesday, January 8, 2019

“The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation”

The Word of God | “The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation” 

Almighty God says, “From the creation of the world down to the present, the Spirit of God has set this great work in motion, and has moreover done different work in different ages and in different nations. The people of each age see a different disposition of His, which is naturally revealed through the different work that He does. He is God, filled with mercy and lovingkindness; He is the sin offering for man and man’s shepherd; but He is also man’s judgment, chastisement, and curse. He could lead man to live on earth for two thousand years, and He could also redeem the corrupted mankind from sin. Today, He is also able to conquer mankind, who do not know Him, and prostrate them under His dominion, so that all submit to Him fully. In the end, He will burn away all that is unclean and unrighteous within men throughout the universe, to show them that He is not only a merciful and loving God, not only a God of wisdom and wonders, not only a holy God, but, even more, a God who judges man.
Singing and Dancing Videos from the Church of Almighty God: festively singing and dancing to praise the incarnated Lord Jesus in the end time - Almighty God.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Where Does This Voice Come From? (Audio Essay)

Where Does This Voice Come From? (Audio Essay)

Shiyin, China

I was born in a religious family, and I have many relatives who are preachers. From the time I was young, I followed my parents in believing in the Lord. After I grew up, I addressed to the Lord in prayer: If I could find a husband who believed in the Lord, I would offer myself up together with him in service to the Lord.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Christian Video | Who Can Change Your Life | ''Unchaining the Heart''

Christian Video | Who Can Change Your Life | ''Unchaining the Heart''

Chen Zhi was born into an impoverished farming family. At school, "Knowledge can change your fate" and "One's destiny is in his own hand" as taught by the school became his mottos. He believed that as long as he constantly worked hard, he would be able to be a cut above the rest, and achieve merit and fame.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning God’s Incarnation

One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning God’s Incarnation

1. The Lord Jesus Himself prophesied that God would incarnate in the last days and appear as the Son of man to do work.

Bible Verses for Reference:

“Be you therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not” (Luk 12:40).

Friday, January 4, 2019

European Parliament Concern Over Asylum for Persecuted Christians From The Church of Almighty God

European Parliament Concern Over Asylum for Persecuted Christians From The Church of Almighty God

China’s deteriorating freedom of religious belief has long been a focus of the international community, which has repeatedly condemned the Chinese Communist government. The suppression and persecution of religious belief by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has continued to escalate since Xi Jinping took power.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Praise and Worship Music "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)

Praise and Worship Music "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)

Throughout the vast universe, all celestial bodies move precisely within their own orbits. Under the heavens, mountains, rivers, and lakes all have their boundaries, and all creatures live and reproduce throughout the four seasons in accordance with the laws of life….

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

God's Protection | Returning to Life From the Brink of Death

God's Protection | Returning to Life From the Brink of Death

By Yang Mei, China

In 2007 I suddenly fell ill with chronic renal failure. On being told the news, my Christian mother and sister-in-law, and some Catholic friends all came to visit me to preach the gospel to me. They all told me that I only had to go to God and my illness would be cured. But I didn’t believe in God at all.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...