Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Christian Worship Song | God's Authority Is a Symbol of the Creator's Identity and Substance

Christian Worship Song | God's Authority Is a Symbol of the Creator's Identity and Substance


God is life, the source of all living beings. God's authority makes all things obey His words. God's word makes them come into being. When God commands, they will live and reproduce. God rules all living beings, and there'll be no deviation forever and ever. The power of God can create things of any form that have life and vitality. And this is determined by the life of God.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Testimonies for Christ of the Last Days (3) You say that the Lord Jesus has returned, so why haven’t we seen Him?

Testimonies for Christ of the Last Days ( 3 )  

You say that the Lord Jesus has returned, so why haven’t we seen Him? Seeing is believing and hearsay is undependable. If we haven’t seen Him, that must mean He hasn’t returned yet; I will believe it when I see Him. You say that the Lord Jesus has returned, so where is He now? What work is He doing? What words has the Lord spoken? I will believe it after you are able to clarify these things through testimony.

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Monday, May 27, 2019

I Welcomed the Return of the Lord (Audio Essay)

πŸ’—I Welcomed the Return of the Lord (Audio Essay)πŸ’—

Nov 19, 2018
Qingxin, Myanmar

My parents are both Christians and from an early age I started going with them to church to attend services. At the age of 12 I attended a grand Christian camp in Myanmar, and while I was there a pastor told me: “The only way to avoid death and enter the kingdom of heaven is to be baptized.” And so in order to enter the kingdom of heaven I decided to get baptized while I was at the camp. From that time on, I became a genuine Christian.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

God's Authority and Power Revealed in the Flesh

 Praise God Hymn- God's Authority and Power Revealed in the Flesh

God has come to earth to make real the words "the Word become flesh," and so issues the words through His flesh. (It's unlike the time of Moses in Old Testament— words were spoken straight by God from the sky.) The supreme meaning of God's incarnation is that the work of the Spirit's accomplished through the flesh and the words. This is the true meaning of "the Word become flesh" and "the Word's appearance in the flesh."

Saturday, May 25, 2019

2019 Christian Video "Have You Truly Repented?"

2019 Best Christian Video  "Have You Truly Repented?"

 The Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). Once, Zhang Ming'en was a preacher at a house church. He believed in the Lord for many years, and for all that time, he preached, worked, suffered, and expended for the Lord. After he accepted God's work of the last days, he was able to accept and submit to any duty arranged for him by the church, and he believed that through these good deeds, he had achieved genuine repentance and change.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

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🌞Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?🌞

Dear brothers and sisters:
Hello everyone, I’m very happy to see you all here. First, let’s give thanks to God for preparing this opportunity for us, and may God guide us and work amongst us.
Brothers and sisters, after our Lord Jesus had resurrected and risen up to heaven, all of us who believe in the Lord yearn for Him to soon return in order to make our many years of wishes come true, and so that we could receive His promise and enjoy His blessings. Especially in the last days, our desire to see the Lord’s return is even more urgent. The prophecies of the Lord Jesus’ return have basically been fulfilled now, and we have all seen or already heard of the frequent occurrences of all kinds of disasters in all nations of the world.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

When Will Jesus Return? 5 Prophecies Tell You


πŸ™When Will Jesus Return? 5 Prophecies Tell You🌟


By Zheng Xun
We are now at the end of the last days, and there are many brothers and sisters who believe sincerely in the Lord and await His return who must surely be thinking this question: In chapter 22, verse 12 of Revelation, the Lord Jesus prophesied, “And, behold, I come quickly.” The Lord promised us that He would come again in the last days, so has He now returned? This question really is so important to us Christians, so how exactly are we to know whether the Lord has really returned or not? In actual fact, the Lord Jesus has already told us through biblical prophecies, and as long as we take all the facts together and ponder them in earnest, then we will find the answer.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...