Church News | The Church of Almighty God

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

We have determined that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Then may we ask, can those religious believers who died before Almighty God does the judgment work of the last days be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and have eternal life?

Pictures of the Church of Almighty God,Reading myth

We have determined that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Then may we ask, can those religious believers who died before Almighty God does the judgment work of the last days be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and have eternal life?

Relevant Words of God:

Mankind’s existence is predicated upon the incarnation of soul in turn. In other words, each person gains a human life of the flesh upon the incarnation of their soul. After a person’s body is born, that life continues until the greatest limit of the flesh, that is, the final moment when the soul leaves its shell. This process repeats again and again with a person’s soul coming and going, and coming and going, thus maintaining the existence of all mankind. The life of flesh is also the life of man’s soul, and man’s soul supports the existence of man’s flesh. That is to say, each person’s life comes from their soul; it is not their flesh that originally had life. Therefore, man’s nature comes from their soul, not from their flesh.

from “A Very Serious Problem: Betrayal (2)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

If, while they’re alive, a Christian has self-discipline, is able to strictly abide by the Ten Commandments and abide by the laws and commandments in the demands they make of their own behavior—and if they can do this their whole life—then they will also have to spend the same amount of time going through the cycles of life and death before they can truly attain the so-called rapture. After achieving this rapture, they remain in the spiritual world, where they take up a position and become one of its bailiffs. Likewise, if they commit evil on earth, if they are sinful and commit too many sins, then it is unavoidable that they will be punished and disciplined with varying severity. In Buddhism, achieving immortality means entering Sukhavati, but what do they call it in Christianity? It is called “entering heaven” and being “raptured.” Those who are truly raptured also go through the cycle of life and death three to seven times, after which, having died, they come to the spiritual world, as if they had fallen asleep. If they are up to standard they can remain to take up a role, and, unlike the people on earth, will not be reincarnated in a simple way, or according to convention.

from “God Himself, the Unique X” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

When they die, God’s chosen people go somewhere completely different from the unbelievers and the various people of faith. It is a place where they are accompanied by angels and God’s messengers, and one which is personally administered by God. Although, in this place, God’s chosen people are not able to behold God with their own eyes, it is unlike anywhere else in the spiritual realm; it is a place where this portion of people go after they die. When they die, they too are subject to a stringent investigation by God’s messengers. And what is investigated? God’s messengers investigate the paths taken by these people throughout their lives in their belief in God, whether or not, during that time, they ever opposed God, or cursed Him, and whether or not they committed grievous sins or evil. This investigation settles the question of whether the person leaves or stays. What does “leave” refer to? And what does “stay” refer to? “Leave” refers to whether, based on their behavior, they remain among the ranks of God’s chosen ones. “Stay” refers that they can remain among the people who are made complete by God during the last days. For those who stay, God has special arrangements. During each period of His work, God will send such people to act as apostles or to do the work of reviving the churches, or tending to them. But the people who are capable of such work are not reincarnated as frequently as the unbelievers, who are reborn time and time again; instead, they are returned to earth according to the needs and steps of God’s work, and are not those who are reincarnated often. So are there any rules to when they are reincarnated? Do they come once every few years? Do they come with such frequency? They do not. What is this based on? It is based on God’s work, on the steps of His work, and His needs, and there are no rules. The only one rule is that when God does the final stage of His work during the last days, these chosen people will all come. When they all come, this will be the last time that they are reincarnated. And why is that? This is based on the outcome to be achieved during God’s last stage of work—for during this last stage of work, God will make these chosen people entirely complete. What does this mean? If, during this final phase, these people are made complete, and made perfect, then they will not be reincarnated as before; the process of being human will come to a complete finish, as will the process of reincarnation.

from “God Himself, the Unique X” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Any and all evildoers and any and all who have not been saved will be destroyed when the holy among humanity enter into rest, regardless of whether they are the spirits of the dead or those who still live in the flesh. Regardless of what era to which these evildoing spirits and evildoing people, or the spirits of righteous people and those people who do righteousness belong, any evildoers will be destroyed, and any righteous people will survive. Whether a person or spirit receives salvation is not entirely decided based upon the work of the final age, but is rather determined based upon whether they have resisted or been disobedient to God. If people in the previous era did evil and could not be saved, they would undoubtedly be targets for punishment. If people in this era do evil and cannot be saved, they are also surely targets for punishment. People are separated on the basis of good and evil, not on the basis of the era. Once separated on the basis of good and evil, people are not immediately punished or rewarded; rather, God will only carry out His work of punishing evil and rewarding good after carrying out His work of conquering in the last days. Actually, He has been using good and evil to separate humanity ever since He carried out His work among humanity. He will merely reward the righteous and punish the wicked upon completion of His work, rather than separating the wicked and the righteous upon completing His work in the end and then immediately setting about His work of punishing evil and rewarding good. His ultimate work of punishing evil and rewarding good is entirely done in order to utterly purify all of humanity, so that He may bring an entirely holy humanity into eternal rest. This stage of His work is His most crucial work. It is the final stage of the whole of His management work.

from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Relevant Fellowship:

“Many are called, but few are chosen,” the Lord Jesus said this in the Bible. When Almighty God came, He also made this statement. However, when Almighty God said this, He was much more specific in terms of His intentions and His revelation of mankind. … Someone said, “Many are called, but few are chosen. Now, later on, just how many religious people will go to heaven after they die?” God has said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Can this statement be used to explain man’s notions and imaginations? Just how many people can go to heaven? Does everyone who believes in God go to heaven? Or do only a few people go to heaven? It’s only a few that can go. … So, how many religious people will go to heaven after they die? Only those in the churches who have the work of the Holy Spirit, who are comparatively devout, and who have a loving heart for their brothers and sisters, these people’s souls will go to heaven. However, heaven is not the same as the kingdom of heaven. It is only a temporary sojourn for the soul. There is a paradise after death for those who believe in God. It is a place without suffering, but it is not the real heaven. So, where is the real heaven? It is in the third heaven. This is where God resides. Who else resides in this place? Peter, Abraham, Job, and some other saints. They are also there with God in the kingdom of heaven. Do you understand? After all those who believe in the Lord Jesus die, most of them will temporarily go on a sojourn in the spiritual realm. This place is called paradise. Why do they get placed in this area? This is temporary. This is because God’s work has not been concluded. Some of these people can be reincarnated and return to the world. At an appropriate time, God will send them back to the world to live amongst man. They will once again experience God’s work and experience some situations. Once they die, they will return to the paradise. Then they will be sent again to experience God’s work.

from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life, Volume 133

To what extent you have pursued in the mundane world, that is the extent you are in the spiritual world. Whatever stature you have reached in the mundane world, it is forever your stature in the spiritual world. I asked, “Like those religious celebrities in the past who had suffered for a lifetime, whose characters were even quite good, they were worshiped and revered by various sects and denominations. What were the outcomes of those people later?” God said, “If he was dead, he would have to be reincarnated to receive God’s work in the last days. If he does not accept God’s work in the last days, even if he had been very famous in the Age of Grace, he would only have been a service-doer, with a sin offering, no more and no less. He would have neither the truth nor the life.” Therefore, God’s incarnation in person in the last days is to make people after God’s heart and have the truth and humanity. Therefore, if you do not pursue the truth, you will destroy yourself. God’s work in the last days decides everything. Do you hear it clearly?

from “Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word ‘God Himself, the Unique II’ (XV)” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (XII)

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