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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Christian Testimonies | God’s Light Led Me in the Tribulation(Part 2)

The Church of Almighty God, Christians Testimonies
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
Christian Testimonies | God’s Light Led Me in the Tribulation(Part 2)
Jan 19, 2015
Zhao Xin    Sichuan Province
It was getting dark. Seeing that they couldn’t get anything from the sister and me, they could only send us to the county detention jail. But the cops there said that our case was very serious and we should be sent to the city detention house. When we arrived there, it was already past 1 a.m. There was a gate made of lines of iron sticks before our eyes, so ghastly and horrible. After we entered, first we were stripped naked for a search, and all the buttons and zippers on our clothes were cut off. Wearing the torn clothes, I felt that I was just like a beggar. Then we had to receive physical examination. They saw the wounds on my legs from the evil cops’ beating and saw that I even walked with difficulty, yet they made up lies through their teeth, “It’s very normal. It’s not serious.” The prison regulation stipulated clearly that we would be given medicine when we were found to have illness after examination. But actually they didn’t care about my life at all and even mocked me, “Since you believers in Almighty God have God as your protector, just bear it.” Then I was taken to a cell. A prisoner put her head out of the quilt and shouted at me, “Strip!” I begged her not to let me take off my underwear. She laughed insidiously and said, “Since you’re here, you should obey the rules!” Then, the other prisoners all put their heads out of their quilts and uttered various strange sounds. There were eighteen prisoners in the cell over twenty square meters. They were drug traffickers, murderers, embezzlers, and thieves. There, the job of the “boss,” the head of the cell, was to fix us by various means every day and she took delight in torturing us. In the morning, the “number two” in the cell taught me the rules. She ordered me to mop the floor twice every day and kept finding work for me to do. Moreover, I had to make products as many as others’ and even had to do faster. Otherwise, I would be punished. The prison guards, like beasts, often fixed us without cause. One of the guards even threatened, “I’m the boss. I’m not afraid of your telling on me. If you dare, just do it. I’ll let you suffer enough! …” That gang of evil cops were simply lawless and rampant to the extreme. There, “money makes the mare go.” As long as the prisoners gave money to the guards, they could be beyond the arm of the “law.” An official’s wife who embezzled a huge sum of money often gave money to the guards and bought special dishes to the “boss” every day. So, she didn’t have to do anything all day long and had others wash her bowl and fold her quilt. Living in that hell, I still thanked God, for there were two sisters who believe in Almighty God there and we were like family. In those days, we three sisters would fellowship together once we had the opportunity, and we relied on God all the time, asking him to give us faith and strength. We sustained and helped each other and got through the difficulties together.

There, I was interrogated by the evil cops four times. Once, the interrogators introduced themselves, saying that they were from the City Public Security Bureau and the National Security Team. I thought to myself, “People from the City Public Security Bureau must have better quality and breeding than the ones from the small police station. They should enforce the law impartially.” However the fact countered my imagination. The man from the City Public Security Bureau entered the room and then lay on the chair, with his feet on the table. His whole body shook with smugness. He took a glance at me with scornful eyes, and then stood up and walked over to me. He lit a cigarette and took a deep draw on it and blew the smoke into my face. Seeing his look, I felt it too ridiculous. So, I prayed to God silently, “Almighty God, may you give me wisdom to defeat satan so that I can glorify and testify you.” At that time, the lackey from the National Security Team said, “We’ve known things about you. As long as you cooperate with us, we’ll release you immediately….” I took a look at him and sneered. They thought that I compromised, and said, “You’re willing to cooperate?” I answered, “I’ve long told you all that I can say.” The evil cop immediately became furious and cursed, “You this woman don’t appreciate my kindness. If you don’t say today, I’ll have plenty of time to accompany you. I’ll find your son from his school, making him drop out of the school….” Then, they took out my cell phone and threatened me, “Whose numbers are these in your SIM card? If you don’t speak clearly today, you’ll be sentenced to seven or eight years. We’ll let the prisoners torture you every day and make you feel worse than death.” No matter how he questioned me, I didn’t answer him the whole time. At that time, I didn’t feel afraid, because God’s words inspired me within, “This is because if you want to be saved and left, you have to undergo these sufferings. This is ordained. So it is a blessing that these sufferings come upon you. … The significance in it is very deep and very great. …” (from “He Who Has Lost the Holy Spirit’s Working Is in the Greatest Danger” in Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers) That interrogation lasted two and a half hours, but it was resultless. Even before they left, they still threatened me.

On January 6, 2013, the cops handling my case asked me to put on prison clothes and handcuffed me and took me back to the police station of my hometown in a prison van. There I learned that those evil cops had already found my son and in-laws, searched my house, and inquired about the information about me in those years. A cop of the local police station said, “We’ve been hunting this woman for years but failed to catch her. When her husband died, she came back and just stayed for one night, making us keep watch for several days in her house in vain. When her son had a heart operation, we went to the hospital and didn’t find her. Because of believing in God, she even abandoned her family. We must fix her hard this time….” Hearing those words, I cried in my heart, “Didn’t I want to go home? My husband’s death made me extremely grieved. When my son had an operation, I was deeply worried. How I wished to stay at his side. It wasn’t that I didn’t miss them, but that the CCP government had been persecuting me and I couldn’t go home!”

The car sped on the road to my home. I cried silently in my heart and kept praying to God, “O God! I’ve been away from home for several years. I’ll see my family in a while. I’m afraid that I might be weak at the sight of them and fall into satan’s scheme. May you help me so that I can live out the dignity and backbone of a believer in God before satan and won’t fall into their trap. I only wish that I can stand testimony for you and satisfy you.” After the prayer, I felt much relieved and got released in my heart. I knew that God was giving me strength. When the car was close to my home, the evil cops intentionally parked it on the road, and had me lead them to my home in prison clothes and handcuffs. The neighbors around all stood in the distance looking and pointing at me, and curses and jeers came from behind me…. Entering my house, I saw at once that my son was washing clothes in the yard. Hearing me enter, he even didn’t raise his head. I knew that he hated me in his heart. My in-laws’ hair was already gray. My mother-in-law came out and greeted the evil cops, saying nothing more. The evil cops asked, “Is she your daughter-in-law?” She nodded slightly. Then they began to threaten my in-laws, “If she doesn’t cooperate, her son will be kicked out at once as long as we make a call to his school. And even you old people’s subsistence allowance will be cancelled. All the favorable policies for you will be cancelled!” Threatened by the evil cops, the old couple lost countenance and even shivered when speaking. They hurriedly admitted that I had been believing in God outside in those six or seven years. Then the evil cops shouted at my mother-in-law, “The party and the people have been caring about you so much in these years. Tell me, is the CCP good or not?” She immediately said with fright, “Good.” “Is the policy good now?” “Yes. Yes.” “Aren’t these disasters of your family and your son’s death caused by your daughter-in-law? Isn’t she the ‘bane’ of your family?” My mother-in-law bent her head and nodded slightly. Seeing that their scheme succeeded, the evil cops pulled me into the room and asked me to look at my older son’s various certificates of merit on the wall. And they hypocritically pointed at me and scolded, “I’ve never seen such an inhuman person as you. You have such a good son, and you don’t look after him. What can you get from believing in God?” Looking at my son’s certificates on the wall, I thought, “My husband suddenly died in a car accident; my son denied me because his schooling was affected by my believing in God; my in-laws were frightened and threatened because of me. This family has already fallen apart! But who is the cause of all these? Is it because I believe in God? Isn’t it because of the CCP’s persecution that these disasters come one after another? Isn’t it because of their rumoring and framing that I couldn’t go back home?” At that time, the hatred for those satans the devils in my heart was going to burst out like a volcano about to erupt. I wanted to cry out loudly, “Satan the devil, I hate you! I hate you to my bones and blood! In these years, wasn’t it because you the CCP government persecuted me that I couldn’t go back home? Didn’t I want to stay with my son and give him motherly love and warmth? Didn’t I want to live a harmonious and happy life with my family?” I remembered Almighty God’s words, “… God will cause men who follow and worship him to prosper and cause men who resist and reject him to decline and perish.” (from “God Is Sovereign over the Destiny of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) “If mankind wants to have a good destiny and if a nation wants to have a good destiny, then all mankind has to fall down and worship God, and come before God to repent and confess their sins to God. Otherwise, mankind’s destiny and destination will be an inescapable disaster.” (from “God Is Sovereign over the Destiny of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) Why did my husband die? If he hadn’t believed the CCP’s rumors and hindered me from performing duty, persecuted the brothers and sisters, and frenziedly resisted and blasphemed God, how could he have lost God’s care and keeping? Wasn’t my husband killed by them satans? Today, my family is brought to ruin, broken up, and burdened with debts. Isn’t it caused by you the devilish party? If it isn’t you who use various kinds of tricks and means to deceive my family and cause them to resist God, will they be so poor? Will they lose God’s blessing? God clearly tells us that only if mankind worships God can they receive God’s blessing. Today you satan the devil don’t worship God and instigate my family to resist God! What is more hateful is that you instantly change your tune and play the “positive character” to preach, framing God for the root of my family’s misfortunes and shifting the blame on me. You’re really calling black white and talking nonsense! You gang of evil spirits run counter to right principles and play the trick of a thief crying “Stop thief.” You’re the real bane, scourge, and jinx! If anyone listens to your lies, he will get into trouble and will encounter disasters! You the CCP government are the real chief criminal that causes my family to be ruined! Living in such a country, how can people have happiness? After finishing their performance, the evil cops shouted at me, “Go!” I walked out of the house. I thanked Almighty God for keeping me, so that I saw through satan’s scheme and saw clearly the CCP evil party’s being reactionary and evil and stood testimony!

On January 12, I was interrogated one last time. Two evil cops again forced me to sell out the brothers and sisters. No matter how they intimidated and persecuted me, I said that I knew nothing. They immediately flared up and slapped my face hard and pulled my hair like mad. They pushed me back and forth and kicked my legs hard, and then fiercely struck my head with a copper tobacco pipe. They also cursed, “You think I dare not beat you? I just beat you; so what? I’ll see how tight-lipped you are!” I thanked Almighty God for his keeping. Though they tortured me so badly, I only felt numb all over, but didn’t feel much pain. The two evil cops tortured me for four hours. It was not until they were exhausted and sweated all over their face that they stopped. They sat on the sofa, breathing heavily, and said, “Well, you just wait to be in prison for life. We won’t release you even if you die!” After I heard those words, my heart was very calm, because I had resolved in my heart that I would rather die than yield to the devil. I prayed to God inwardly, “O God! I’m willing to commit myself to you. Even if the evil cops put me in prison for life, I’ll follow you to the end! Even if I’m put in hell, I’ll praise you!” Back to the cell, I just waited to be imprisoned for the rest of my life. Unexpectedly, God made a way out for me. On the afternoon of January 16, to my surprise, I was acquitted and released by the evil cops.

That deeply ingrained experience, like a nightmare, made me unable to recall. I had never dreamed that an ordinary woman like me, who lives in the mountain and even didn’t finish primary school, was regarded as an enemy by the CCP government and it resolved to put me to death because of my believing in God. I once asked them in an interrogation, “What have I done wrong? What law have I broken? What words of opposing the party and the people have I said? Why did you arrest me?” Those cops had nothing to answer but roared at me, “You can steal, rob, murder, commit arson, or prostitute yourself. We won’t care. Your believing in God is opposing the CCP. You deserve beating!” Those words of being arbitrary and confusing right and wrong are exactly the voice from the devil! It’s right and proper for man to believe in and worship God. But the devil shamelessly says that we act against it. It completely reveals the devil’s substance! The CCP government not only frenziedly resists God’s work and arrests believers in God, but also fabricates rumors to deceive people, so that those who believe its lies all live in God’s curse and punishment because of resisting God, but they’re totally unaware of that. It can be said that all of people’s sufferings are caused by the CCP government, this big bane! After experiencing the devil’s affliction, I completely saw through the CCP’s reactionary substance of being hostile to God and going against Heaven, truly tasted God’s love, and saw that God’s substance is beauty and good. Every time I was most distressed and had the hardest time, God’s word guided and inspired me within, giving me strength and faith, so that I was awakened in my spirit and truly felt God’s accompanying and guidance and got out of the difficulties time and again and stood testimony. God’s love is so great! From now on, I’ll dedicate my everything to repay God’s love, for gaining the truth and even more for living out a meaningful life.

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From The Church of Almighty God

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