Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Word of the Holy Spirit | "God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together" (Part Two)

The Word of the Holy Spirit | "God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together" (Part Two)

Almighty God says, "God created humanity and placed them upon earth, whom He has led to the present day. He then saved humanity and served as a sin offering for humanity. At the end He still must conquer humanity, save humanity entirely and restore them to their original likeness. This is the work that He has been engaged in from the beginning to the end—restoring man to his original image and to his original likeness. He will establish His kingdom and restore man's original likeness, meaning that He will restore His authority upon earth and restore His authority among all creation. … When humanity has been restored to their original likeness, when humanity can fulfill their respective duties, keep their own place and obey all of God's arrangements, God will have obtained a group of people upon the earth who worship Him, and He will also have established a kingdom upon the earth that worships Him. He will have eternal victory upon the earth, and those who are opposed to Him will perish for all eternity. This will restore His original intention in creating man; it will restore His intention in creating all things, and it will also restore His authority upon earth, His authority among all things and His authority among His enemies. These are the symbols of His total victory. Henceforth humanity will enter into rest and enter into a life that follows the right track. God will also enter into eternal rest with man and enter into an eternal life shared by God and man. The filth and disobedience upon the earth shall disappear, as shall the wailing upon the earth. All upon the earth that opposes God will not exist. Only God and those people that He has saved shall remain; only His creation shall remain" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

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2019  Praise Hymns | "Only Those Who Have Been Cleansed Will Enter Into Rest"

The human race of the future, though descended from Adam and Eve,
will no longer live under Satan’s domain,
but a race of the saved, the cleansed.
This is a humanity judged and chastised, a humanity that’s been sanctified.
They are different from that ancient race, that ancient race of Adam and Eve,
so different as almost to be a new race entirely.
Chosen from those corrupted by Satan,
standing firm in God’s final judgment,
this last group remaining,
along with God, can enter the final rest.
Only those who can stand firm
through judgment and chastisement of the last days,
in the final work of cleansing,
they may enter final rest with God.
This is a humanity judged and chastised, a humanity that’s been sanctified.
They are different from that ancient race, that ancient race of Adam and Eve,
so different as almost to be a new race entirely.
Chosen from those corrupted by Satan,
standing firm in God’s final judgment,
this last group remaining,
along with God, can enter the final rest.
They are different from that ancient race, that ancient race of Adam and Eve,
so different as almost to be a new race entirely.
It’s through the final work of cleansing that those who enter the rest
will have broken free from Satan’s power and been gained by God.
They’ll enter the final rest. They’ll enter the final rest.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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