Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Almighty God's Word | On the Life of Peter

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God ,  the Life of Peter
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God

 Almighty God's Word | On the Life of Peter

Peter is an exemplar that God introduced to mankind, and he is a well-known personage. Why is it that such a humble man was set up as an exemplar by God and has been praised by later generations? Of course, it need not be mentioned that this is inseparable from his expression and his resolve of love for God. As for where Peter’s heart of love for God was expressed and what his lifetime of experiences was actually like, we must return to the Age of Grace to take another look at the customs of the time, to see the Peter of that age.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Origin of the Eastern Lightning’s Prosperity

The Origin of the Eastern Lightning’s Prosperity

Each and every time the Eastern Lightning is mentioned, many brothers and sisters in the Lord feel perplexed: Why is it that as the religious community as a whole becomes increasingly desolate and degenerate, as each denomination becomes increasingly guarded and conservative in condemning and banishing the Eastern Lightning, not only is the Eastern Lightning not becoming desolate and ebbing, but surging like unstoppable billows, sweeping across mainland China? Now that it has even expanded beyond China’s borders to foreign countries and regions, as it is being accepted by more and more people worldwide? Faced with this fact, the religious people are thoroughly puzzled, while in fact the reason is quite simple:

Friday, September 28, 2018

Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Most followers of the Lord Jesus Christ hear about the Eastern Lightning from their pastors, elders, or preachers, but in actuality no one knows where the Eastern Lightning came from. When it comes to the origin of the Eastern Lightning, everyone has their own opinion: Some people believe it is nothing more than a new denomination in Christianity, others decry it as “heresy” or an “evil cult.” People have these absurd ideas because they don’t know the work of God.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?

Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?

  We all know that the Lord Jesus had promised His disciples before He left: Surely I come quickly. Over thousands of years, countless Christians have held on to the promise of the Lord and expected His return all their life. They felt pity that they did not meet the return of the Lord Jesus before death. Many people are puzzled: The prophecy of the return of the Lord Jesus has already been fulfilled, but why is it that we haven’t seen the appearance of the Lord yet? In fact, the Lord Jesus has already returned to flesh as the Son of man and done the work in secret among people for many years. Christ of the last daysAlmighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Christian Movie Trailer | "The Gospel Messenger" | Bear the Cross and Preach Gospel of the Kingdom

Chen Yixin had believed in the Lord for more than twenty years and had been engaged in work and preaching with great enthusiasm. She was once arrested by the Chinese Communist Party and imprisoned for four years, and she stood firm witness for the Lord. However, when faced with the fact that her church grew more and more empty, she sank into pain and confusion. Later, she was fortunate enough to hear Almighty God's gospel of the last days, and was finally able to be reunited with the Lord.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"Red Re-Education at Home" (4) - Do Believers in God Really Not Care About Their Families? | The Church of Almighty God

"Red Re-Education at Home" (4) - Do Believers in God Really Not Care About Their Families?

The Lord Jesus said, "Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mak 16:15). Spreading the gospel and bearing witness to God is a kind and righteous act undertaken by Christians.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Consequence of Deporting Chinese Christian Refugees in Europe: Torture! Blood! | The Church of Almighty God

Consequence of Deporting Chinese Christian Refugees in Europe: Torture! Blood!

In recent years, legions of war refugees have swarmed into Europe.And some states tightened up their policy on refugees successively.According to Nouvelles d'Europe, in July 2017, while announcing a refugee reception plan,the French Prime Minister Philippe emphasized that the asylum seekers whose applications are denied should be deported without exception.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Keep the Faith | Christian Movie Trailer "The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation" | The Church of Almighty God

Jiang Xinyi is a regional leader of The Church of Almighty God in a particular area in China. She loves the truth and has a sense of righteousness. She has received Almighty God's work of the last days for more than ten years. She understands that only Christ is the truth, the way and the life and that only Christ of the last days, Almighty God can save mankind, free them from sin and guide them onto the right path of human life.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Christian Feng Aixia’s Account of Her Experience of the CCP’s Cruel Persecution | The Church of Almighty God

Christian Feng Aixia’s Account of Her Experience of the CCP’s Cruel Persecution

Feng Aixia accepted Almighty God’s kingdom gospel in 2006. She was arrested by the CCP police when preaching the gospel in 2014. During the interrogation, the police stripped her off, slapped her on the face, beat her with electric batons, pulled one of her hands back over the shoulder and the other hand up along the back before cuffing them together, etc., torturing her in various kinds of ways. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

Gospel Movie clip (2) - Is Accepting the Gospel of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Apostasy?

In the Bible, Paul said, "I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ to another gospel" (Galatians 1:6). The pastors and elders misinterpret these words of Paul, and condemn all people who accept the gospel of the second coming of Lord Jesus, saying that this would be apostasy and that it would be betraying the Lord.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Church Life Movie | "Awoken" | How Christians Break Free From the Shackles of Fame and Status | The Church of Almighty God

Her name is Chen Xi, and since she was little the education and influence of her parents and her schooling made her always want to stand out from the crowd and seek to be above others, so she was diligent in her studies and would spare no effort. After believing in God Chen Xi read a great deal of God's words and came to understand some truths.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Chen Xin, a Christian, Narrates Real Experiences of Cruel Persecution by the Chinese Communist Party The Church of Almighty God

Chen Xin, a Christian, Narrates Real Experiences of Cruel Persecution by the Chinese Communist Party

 He had believed in the Lord since childhood, and in 2002 accepted the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God. In 2003, he was arrested because of preaching the gospel, during which time he was slapped in the face, punched, kicked, and doused in cold water by police.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Almighty God Is My Lord and My God | Christian Movie Trailer "Stay Out of My Business"

Li Qingxin is a preacher in a house church in China who has been faithful to the Lord for many years. Always she enthusiastically does the Lord's work of spreading the gospel, vigilantly awaiting the Lord's coming to bring her up to the heavenly kingdom. In recent years, Li Qingxin has seen that assorted sects and churches have become ever more desolate. Eastern Lightning, however, has become ever more vibrant, despite frenzied condemnation and persecution by the Chinese Communist government and religious circles.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Word of God Leads Me to Live Out the Likeness of Man

The Word of God Leads Me to Live Out a Little Like a Human

Dec 19, 2017
By Xiao Ye, Japan

I was born into a blessed family. From a young age, my parents loved me very much. In addition, my grades were good and adults often praised me in front of my brothers, sisters and me: “Xiao Ye will certainly have good prospects in the future….” I really felt so much pride for myself after hearing this and always indulged in self-admiration and wild arrogance, thinking I was better than my siblings, regarding myself as a rare talent in the family…. I grew up in such a superior environment.

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Word of the Holy Spirit "The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man" | The Church of Almighty God

The Word of the Holy Spirit "The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man"

Almighty God says, "You should know that, when My work is expanded, I will scatter you, and I will smite you, just as Jehovah smote each of the tribes of Israel. All this will be done in order to spread My gospel throughout the earth, and to spread My work into the Gentile nations, so that My name may be magnified by adults and children alike, and My holy name exalted in the mouths of people from all tribes and nations. In this final era, I will have My name magnified among the Gentile nations, cause My deeds to be seen by the Gentiles, that they may call Me the Almighty on account of My deeds, and make it so that My words may soon come to pass. I will make all people know that I am not only the God of the Israelites, but also the God of all the nations of the Gentiles, even those that I have cursed. I will let all people see that I am the God of all creation. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work to be fulfilled in the last days."

Recommendation: Eastern Lightning,  The origin of the Church of Almighty God

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Your Kingdom Come | Christian Movie "Yearning" | Have You Met the Return of Lord Jesus?

Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus promised His followers: ""I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also"" (John 14:2-3). Because of this, generations of believers have continued to obsessively hope and pray for the fulfillment of the Lord's promise, and hope and pray that they are raptured into the heavens to meet the Lord and enter into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Finding God Is True Happiness (Part 1) | The Church of Almighty God

Finding God Is True Happiness (Part 1)

January 15, 20187

Wang Kai

My father is just an ordinary elementary school teacher, and during my childhood I lived with him in the dormitory that the school provides for its staff. We lived a simple and frugal life, as most people did in that era of hardships. The thing I remember most is playing with the other teachers’ kids in the school grounds after school. One of the kids was from a much wealthier family (his mother worked in the Bureau of Finance).

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Power of Faith in God | Christian Video | "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!" | The Church of Almighty God

"Kid! Do you know that the Communist Party is atheist and against belief in God? In China, what God is there for you to believe in? Where is this God of yours?" "Do not assume that because you are young, we will be lenient with you! If you keep believing in God, you will end up dead!" With electric rods in hands, the Chinese Communist police rush this youngster who is covered with bruises.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Christian Movie | "The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP's Brainwashing" | Revealing the Truth | The Church of Almighty God

Zhang Mingdao is a Christian in The Church of Almighty God who has experienced several years of Almighty God's work in the last days, understands some truths, and can see the real significance of human life. He is resolved to abandon everything and follow God, and bear witness for God's work and appearance of the last days.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Three Secrets to Easily Improve Interpersonal Relationships | The Church of Almighty God

Three Secrets to Easily Improve Interpersonal Relationships

Explore Eastern Lightning | January 28, 2018 | Spiritual Growth

By Chen Xiaoran

One day, I saw a problem on a gospel website, “Recently, there arose some problems in my interpersonal relationship with people around me. I always thought they had opinions and biases about me, and I was also dissatisfied with some acts of them. As the time went by, I gradually felt the relationships between them and me became ever more estranged.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...