Showing posts with label The Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Church. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2019

Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?

Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?

Feb 25, 2018126

Ma Zhijun (Vice-captain of the National Security Brigade): Level with me, what is your role in The Church of Almighty God? Are you a big leader? Who are your leaders?

Lang Xin (Captain of the National Security Brigade): Don’t think that we won’t know if you don’t talk! Tell you the truth, Jiang Xinyi. We have been investigating and monitoring you for three months. We are on top of your situation. You used to be a reporter for a provincial newspaper, and you’re now a big leader of The Church of Almighty God. Is that correct?

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Christian Reflections-Why Does the Chinese Communist Party Force Christians to Join the Three-Self Church?

Christian Reflections-Why Does the Chinese Communist Party Force Christians to Join the Three-Self Church?

Oct 22, 2017173

Hou Xiangke (Chief of the Public Security Bureau): Han Lu, you must know that the Communist Party is an atheist party and started out from revolution. The Communist Party is most inimical to God and God’s word. The truth that you accept and the path that you walk are hated the most by the Communist Party. You are an eyesore and a thorn in the side for the Communist Party. Therefore, the Communist Party will severely repress you, punish you, and ban you! In China, you must follow the leadership of the Communist Party when you believe in God, accept the Communist Party’s United Front, join the Three-Self Church, and take the path of love for country and religion. Aside from this, there is no way out! Have you seen through these matters?

Friday, April 26, 2019

FOB Spotlight: The Persecution of The Church of Almighty God in China

FOB Spotlight: The Persecution of The Church of Almighty God in China

 On February 4, 2019, the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) held a conference in Florence, Italy to promote its most recent publication: Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe: an arduous journey. This book is an exploration of how to effectively protect the freedom of belief and religious freedoms of immigrants to Europe from across the world through legal means. This includes the situation of religious persecution in China and the issue of refugees belonging to The Church of Almighty God (CAG) who fled China due to religious persecution. Riccardo Migliori, Past President of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), introduced the book to our reporter before the conference.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Church of Almighty God - Gospel Movie Clip (4) - Is the Pardoning of Our Sins Really a Ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven?

The Church of Almighty God - Gospel Movie Clip (4) - Is the Pardoning of Our Sins Really a Ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Many people in religion think that they have admitted their sins and repented of them after believing in the Lord, so they have been redeemed, and been saved by grace. When the Lord comes, He will lift them up directly into the kingdom of heaven, and He cannot possibly do the work of purification and salvation. Does this view tally with the reality of God's work? It is said in the Bible: "Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14).

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The CCP Is the Mastermind Behind the 8.28 Protest—Religious Persecution

The CCP Is the Mastermind Behind the 8.28 Protest—Religious Persecution

           09/15/2016 One comment

    At 9 a.m. on August 28, 2016, Wu, a representative of some religious website in South Korea, Tian, from China, as well as some other people, staged a protest at the gate of the Church of Almighty God in Guro, Seoul. During the protest, Wu instructed Tian and her son to cry at the gate, and let the reporter take photos of the scenes. They also tried several times to force into the church. Tian is the wife of Zhang, who is a Christian of the Church of Almighty God, and fled from China to Korea in 2015 due to the frenzied oppression and persecution of the CCP government. The reason Tian and Wu claimed to make this protest was: The Church of Almighty God took control of Zhang and forced him to perform duty in South Korea, which thus wrecked Tian’s family. So they demanded that the Church of Almighty God let go of Zhang.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Christian Musical Drama "An Uncertain Return" | Who Breaks Up the Christian Family (English Dubbed)

Christian Musical Drama "An Uncertain Return" | Who Breaks Up the Christian Family (English Dubbed)

    Christian Zhang Chengzhi is forced to flee his home because of the Chinese government's mad persecution of religious beliefs. A happy family is torn apart. But the police refuse to give up—they monitor, question, and intimidate his family members, and look for opportunities to arrest him. Zhang Chengzhi and his family miss each other, but cannot be reunited. Zhang narrowly escapes arrest time after time and in the end has no choice but to escape the country. He and his family are in different corners of the world and don't know when they will meet again …

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Gospel Music 2018 - God Ruling Over the Beginning and the Future of Mankind - Seek the Meaning of Life

 Gospel Music 2018 - God Ruling Over the Beginning and the Future of Mankind - Seek the Meaning of Life

      God  says: “God created this world, He created this mankind…. Only God consoles this mankind, and only God cares for this mankind night and day. Human development and progress is inseparable from the sovereignty of God, and the history and future of mankind are inextricable from the designs of God.”

Monday, April 8, 2019

he Word of God in the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III God's Authority II" Part Five

The Word of God in the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III God's Authority II" Part Five

    God's words in this video are from The Word Appears in the Flesh. The content of this video:
    Death: The Sixth Juncture
    1. Only the Creator Holds the Power of Life and Death Over Man
    2. One Who Does Not Know the Creator’s Sovereignty Will Be Dogged by the Fear of Death
    3. A Life Spent Seeking Fame and Fortune Will Leave One at a Loss in the Face of Death

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Gospel Song—Be Full of Love for God — A Cappella "Praise the New Life"

Gospel Song—Be Full of Love for God — A Cappella "Praise the New Life" 

Hallelujah! Thank and praise You!
Hallelujah! Thank and praise You, Almighty God!
Christ of the last days has appeared, working and speaking among man.
His word judges, chastises and purifies us, leading us onto the right way of human life.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Christian Film "Honesty Is Priceless" Only the Honest Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Full Movie)

Christian Film "Honesty Is Priceless" Only the Honest Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Full Movie)

Zhen Cheng was the owner of an appliance repair shop. He was kind, honest, and did business by the book. He would never try to pull the wool over someone's eyes, but he was only making enough money to barely support his family. After a time, a family member and a fellow tradesman urged him to practice the unwritten rules of business, and Zhen Cheng began to believe in sayings that represent a satanic philosophy such as: "A man without a second income will never get rich just like a horse starved of hay at night will never put on weight," "The bold die of gluttony; the timid die of starvation,"

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | and Answers on the Desolation of Churches(Question 2)

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, the truth
picture of the Church of Almighty God 
Question 2: You just talked about some lawless acts, so what specific acts do you mean when you say lawlessness is increasing?

Answer: The increase in lawlessness means mostly that those religious leaders, pastors, and elders go against God’s will and go their own way instead. They don’t follow God’s commandments, and they misinterpret the Bible to shackle, control, and deceive people, drowning them in biblical theology, and taking them away from God, turning churches into places of religious ritual, and they treat their responsibilities and duties as access to status and income, which leads to many hypocritical acts that resist God in the church. Many people have revealed themselves to be unbelievers. They pursue worldly pleasures, depart from the way of the Lord, and even pass on God’s words as mere fairy tales. They do not believe at all that the Lord Jesus will come again to speak and do work. Especially those religious leaders without any reverence for God in their hearts, and all kinds of evil men and unbelievers who do not love the truth are exposed.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Eastern Lightng | Gospel Movie clip (3) - Christians' Incredible Rebuttals ingto the CCP's Rumors and Slander

Eastern Lightng | Gospel Movie clip (3) - Christians' Incredible Rebuttals ingto the CCP's Rumors and Slander

     In order to deceive Christians into betraying God and giving up their faith, the CCP has openly blasphemed both Christ of the last days and the Lord Jesus, saying that They are both average people and are not God incarnate. The CCP has maligned Christians as merely believing in a person, and not God. It has also spread the rumor that The Church of Almighty God was created by a person just because the man who is used by God is the one who runs all the administrative affairs of the church. What really is incarnation? How did The Church of Almighty God come to be, and who founded it? How are Christians using the truth and the facts to refute the public rumors and slanders the CCP spreads about Christ and The Church of Almighty God?

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Red Re-Education at Home" (5) - How Should Christianity Be Understood? | The Church of Almighty God

Red Re-Education at Home" (5) - How Should Christianity Be Understood?

It is common knowledge that Christianity, Catholicism, and the Eastern Orthodox Church are all religions that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of Christ of the last days.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Why Do We Live? And Why Do We Have to Die? | The Church of Almighty God

Why Do We Live? And Why Do We Have to Die?

God says: “among all things and in the heavens there is but One from everlasting to everlasting who holds sovereignty over everything.”

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God’s will

     God says: “Those who die take with them the stories of the living, and those who are living repeat the same tragic history of those who have died. And so mankind can’t help but ask itself: Why do we live? And why do we have to die? Who is in command of this world? And who created this mankind? Was mankind really created by Mother Nature? Is mankind really in control of its own fate?”

Monday, April 16, 2018

Consequence of Deporting Chinese Christian Refugees in Europe: Torture! Blood! | The Church of Almighty God

Consequence of Deporting Chinese Christian Refugees in Europe: Torture! Blood!

In recent years, legions of war refugees have swarmed into Europe.And some states tightened up their policy on refugees successively.According to Nouvelles d'Europe, in July 2017, while announcing a refugee reception plan,the French Prime Minister Philippe emphasized that the asylum seekers whose applications are denied should be deported without exception.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Keep the Faith | Christian Movie Trailer "The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation" | The Church of Almighty God

Jiang Xinyi is a regional leader of The Church of Almighty God in a particular area in China. She loves the truth and has a sense of righteousness. She has received Almighty God's work of the last days for more than ten years. She understands that only Christ is the truth, the way and the life and that only Christ of the last days, Almighty God can save mankind, free them from sin and guide them onto the right path of human life.

Monday, April 9, 2018

"Red Re-Education at Home" (2) - What Kind of Plot Was Behind the Chinese Communist Party's Trial for the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case? | The Church of Almighty God

After the May 28 Zhaoyuan incident in Shandong that shocked both China and the rest of the world, when the CCP brought the case to trial, the suspects involved were clear in their confessions that they were not members of The Church of Almighty God.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Church of Almighty God Christians Ring in the New Year With French Friends

The Church of Almighty God Christians Ring in the New Year With French Friends

On February 18, 2018, precisely during a traditional Chinese holiday—Spring Festival—Christians from The Church of Almighty God in France held a New Year’s celebration with the theme of “gratitude” in the parish activity center of the Saint-Germain Church in Vitry-sur-Seine, Paris.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Church Life Movie | "Awoken" | How Christians Break Free From the Shackles of Fame and Status | The Church of Almighty God

Her name is Chen Xi, and since she was little the education and influence of her parents and her schooling made her always want to stand out from the crowd and seek to be above others, so she was diligent in her studies and would spare no effort. After believing in God Chen Xi read a great deal of God's words and came to understand some truths.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Church Life Movie | "The Way of Human Conduct" | The Judgement of God Saved Me | Eastern Lightning

Since a young age, Cheng Jianguang's parents and teachers taught him that rules such as "Harmoniousness is a treasure, forbearance is a virtue," "Keeping silent on the faults of good friends makes for a long and good friendship," "Though you see wrong, it's best to say little" were the touchstones for maintaining good relationships with other people.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...