Sunday, May 5, 2019

Christian Life: How to Educate One’s Child and Be a Happy Parent

Christian Life: How to Educate One’s Child and Be a Happy Parent
Jan 12, 2019104

By Huiyuan, Malaysia

“Over these past few weeks, your son has listened very carefully in class and is a very sensible boy. He’s like a totally different person to how he used to be. How come he’s suddenly changed so much? How are you educating him at home?” Hearing the teacher say this, I smiled slightly, and my heart was filled with gratitude to God. That my son could change as much as he has is the result of God’s work, and I give thanks to God! I always failed before when trying to educate my son, but then I had the fortune to accept God’s work of the last days and, under the guidance of God’s words, I finally understood how to educate my son, and I became a happy parent.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Christian Testimonies-A Debate Between a Christian and a CCP Official: What Really Is a Cult?

Christian Testimonies-A Debate Between a Christian and a CCP Official: What Really Is a Cult?

Apr 4, 2018242


Zheng Yi: A Chinese Christian. During his work in America, he investigated The Church of Almighty God online and accepted Almighty God’s work in the last days. Three years later, he returned to China, and passed on the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God to his sister, Zheng Rui.

Zheng Weiguo: Zheng Yi’s father, the minister of the United Front Work Department in a city of China. He practiced red re-education of his children at home, strongly opposed them believing in Almighty God and tried to stop it.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?

Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?

Feb 25, 2018126

Ma Zhijun (Vice-captain of the National Security Brigade): Level with me, what is your role in The Church of Almighty God? Are you a big leader? Who are your leaders?

Lang Xin (Captain of the National Security Brigade): Don’t think that we won’t know if you don’t talk! Tell you the truth, Jiang Xinyi. We have been investigating and monitoring you for three months. We are on top of your situation. You used to be a reporter for a provincial newspaper, and you’re now a big leader of The Church of Almighty God. Is that correct?

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Christian Reflections-Why Did the Chinese Communist Party Manufacture the 5/28 Zhaoyuan Incident?

Christian Reflections-Why Did the Chinese Communist Party Manufacture the 5/28 Zhaoyuan Incident?

Oct 22, 2017155

Ma Jinlong (Captain of the National Security Team): Tell you the truth, Han Lu. It isn’t that we don’t understand people who believe in God. There are believers of God among my friends. I know that those who believe in God are good people who do not do bad things. Then why does the Communist Party want to capture you? It is because your Church of Almighty God is developing too fast, its impacts are increasingly greater. You still keep spreading the word of Almighty God, shocking the entire religious community.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Christian Reflections-Why Does the Chinese Communist Party Force Christians to Join the Three-Self Church?

Christian Reflections-Why Does the Chinese Communist Party Force Christians to Join the Three-Self Church?

Oct 22, 2017173

Hou Xiangke (Chief of the Public Security Bureau): Han Lu, you must know that the Communist Party is an atheist party and started out from revolution. The Communist Party is most inimical to God and God’s word. The truth that you accept and the path that you walk are hated the most by the Communist Party. You are an eyesore and a thorn in the side for the Communist Party. Therefore, the Communist Party will severely repress you, punish you, and ban you! In China, you must follow the leadership of the Communist Party when you believe in God, accept the Communist Party’s United Front, join the Three-Self Church, and take the path of love for country and religion. Aside from this, there is no way out! Have you seen through these matters?

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Analyzing and Discerning the CCP Government’s and the Religious World’s Rumors and Lies (1)

Analyzing and Discerning the CCP Government’s and the Religious World’s Rumors and Lies (1)

Nov 29, 2017221
 Sermon and Fellowship Excerpts for Reference:

As for all of Satan’s nonsense, remember that you should maintain an attitude of denial at all times. This is a principle. Why is that? Someone says, “You think that Satan’s words will never be consistent with the facts. Isn’t it stereotyping Satan?” It is not stereotyping; it is a conclusion derived from Satan’s nature. Satan’s words are always adulterated, they always contain its ulterior motives. When Satan speaks of them, things become distorted beyond recognition.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Enthusiastic Response to This Must See Christian Film in Philippines

Enthusiastic Response to This Must See Christian Film in Philippines

From February 25 to March 1, 2019, the Phenomenal Film Festival was held in the Philippines, where The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything, a large-scale choral documentary produced by The Church of Almighty God won Best Music Score. The film, screened on the 28th, enjoyed an enthusiastic reception. One film festival judge expressed that this is an astounding film that is a must-see for every person.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...