Church News | The Church of Almighty God

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Praise Hymns | The Spirit of Peter—The Banner of Victory

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns

Praise Hymns | The Spirit of Peter—The Banner of Victory

The Word appearing in the flesh is God Himself. He's the real true God in front of our eyes. Before ages He predestined my birth in the last days. He's conquered and saved, bestowed life on me. I forge this ultimate love with God, spirit of Peter shows in the last days. God's creative power is limitless, new people He's made in His image. I resolve to follow the practical God, come what may. I will not rest until I have known God. Unfit to be called human if I can't suffer for Him. Ashamed if I cannot repay His love.
You speak and it is, You command and it stands firm. Your words are manifold and without end. You're always new and never old, so amazing. Your work is overwhelmingly mighty. Mankind's sinful nature You have judged, laid bare their ugly face of Satan. No one can stand up in front of You. Christ has overcome the hostile forces. I resolve to follow the practical God, come what may. I will not rest until I have known God. Unfit to be called human if I can't suffer for Him. Ashamed if I cannot repay His love.
Your work in me is great beyond comparison. Your grace can never ever be measured. You've tolerated and pardoned my rebellion, unending grace in salvation and love. Disgraced and ashamed, nowhere to hide. I am nothing but a fist of dirt. I have nothing left to boast about. My heart conquered, I fall to the ground. I resolve to follow the practical God, come what may. I will not rest until I have known God. Unfit to be called human if I can't suffer for Him. Ashamed if I cannot repay His love.
I totally admire Your absolute beauty. My own meanness and vileness, I despise. Your very life, I see is just what I'm lacking. Like heaven and earth, we simply can't compare. Knowing You, I desire to seek life. I'm truly blessed living by Your words. I have understood life through Your work. I've seen I'm too corrupt to serve You. I'll be one who obeys God till death and loves Him to the utmost, giving body and soul. God's great work has reached full bloom, God has gained glory. The spirit of Peter has reappeared.
I cannot say more out of loathing for myself. I'll obey, sacrifice, love God quietly. I now offer up all of my love, all to God, glad to be just a good witness for Him. Life's mysteries are worth finding out. Loving God, knowing Him, life's not in vain. Let the spirit of Peter now thrive. I resolve not to crush God's hopes. I'll be one who obeys God till death and loves Him to the utmost, giving body and soul. God's great work has reached full bloom, God has gained glory. The spirit of Peter has reappeared.

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