Showing posts with label God words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God words. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

I See Through the Internet Lies and Regain God’s Salvation of the Last Days

I See Through the Internet Lies and Regain God’s Salvation of the Last Days

By Xiao Ling, Hong Kong

Editor’s Note: The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). God is the truth, the way and the life, and only God’s words can show us the way forward and allow us to see things clearly. And yet there are many brothers and sisters who do not investigate the true way in the light of God’s words, but rather they investigate it in the light of commentaries they see online. Some then don’t dare to continue investigating it because of the negative reports they read online, and some become so deceived by the lies that they almost miss God’s salvation of the last days…. Sister Xiao Ling was one of these people, but through seeking and fellowship, she came to have discernment of the lies on the Internet, and she welcomed the Lord’s return. Would you like to know about her experience? Then read on …

Sunday, January 12, 2020

2020 English Christian Song "The Joy of Praising God" | Kids Dance

2020 English Christian Song "The Joy of Praising God" | Kids Dance

Verse 1

God has blessed us young people.
We have now returned to God’s house.
Here the life of the church we lead.
We read God’s words, pray, draw near to Him.
How joyous it is to be with God!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2019 English Christian Song | "God Has Brought Man Into a New Age"

2019 English Christian Song | "God Has Brought Man Into a New Age"


God spreads His work among the gentile nations.
His glory flashes through the universe.
His will, embodied in scattered men,
all steered by His hand, doing tasks assigned.
Now He has entered into a new era,
bringing all men into another world.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tasting the Love of God in the Midst of Adversity

By Chen Lu, Zhejiang Province

I was born in the 1980s in a village—we had been a family of peasants for generations. I threw myself into my studies so that I could test into college and escape the village life of poverty and backwardness. When I started high school, I encountered The History of Western Art, and when I saw so many beautiful paintings such as “Genesis,” “The Garden of Eden,” and “The Last Supper,” only then did I realize that there was a God in the universe who had created all things. I could not help but have a heart full of veneration for God. After graduating from college, I found a good job very easily, and then I found a great partner. I had finally realized my own hopes as well as those of my forebears: I had escaped the life of keeping our face to the ground and our back to the sky. In 2008, the birth of a child added much more joy to my life. Looking at everything I had in my life, I believed that I should have a happy, comfortable life. However, while I was enjoying that enviable, beautiful life, I could never shake that vague feeling of emptiness deep in my heart. This made me feel very confused and helpless.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Christian Family Movie Clip "Where Is My Home" - Only God Can Save Mankind and Free Us From Pain

Free Christian Movies Clip "Where Is My Home" - Only God Can Save Mankind and Free Us From Pain

Why is there suffering in human life? Many wrestle with this but never find the answer. Wenya and her family encounter an unforeseen change in circumstances, fully tasting the vicissitudes of human relationships. In the end, they find the root of suffering in people's lives in Almighty God's words and come to understand how to cast off their pain and attain true happiness. This wonderful clip, "Only God Can Save Mankind and Free Us From Pain" from the Christian film, Where Is My Home, will help you find the answer.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique IX God Is the Source of Life for All Things (III)"Part One

God’s words in this video are from the book “The Word Appears in the Flesh”.

The content of this video:

1. God Sets Boundaries for All Things to Nurture All of Mankind

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Best Hymns of Faith | What God Wants in Trials Is Man's True Heart. | Knowing God's Will

The Church of Almighty God, In trials is man's True heart,

Best Hymns of Faith | What God Wants in Trials Is Man's True Heart.


As a new follower, your reliance is low; it's hard to know what to do when you are new to the truth. In the face of your trials, you can pray sincerely, let God rule your heart, give all you hold dear. The more you listen, the more you understand (understand) the meanings in preaching, the truth in God's wordThe more you grow, the more He expects; His standards will grow with you in respect. When God gives you a trial, He will see where you stand, if your heart is with Him, with your flesh, or Satan. When God gives you a trial, He will see where you stand. Will you be on His side, in harmony with His mind?

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...