Showing posts with label God salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God salvation. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Lord Has Appeared in the East

By Qiu Zhen, China

One day, my younger sister called me to say that she was back from the north and that she had something important to tell me. She asked me to come over right away. I had a feeling that something bad might have happened, so I went over to her house straight away. It was only when I’d got to her place and saw her reading a book that my uneasiness left me. My sister saw me come in, jumped up and said cheerfully, “Qiu Zhen! This time in the north I heard some good news: The Lord Jesus has returned!”

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tasting the Love of God in the Midst of Adversity

By Chen Lu, Zhejiang Province

I was born in the 1980s in a village—we had been a family of peasants for generations. I threw myself into my studies so that I could test into college and escape the village life of poverty and backwardness. When I started high school, I encountered The History of Western Art, and when I saw so many beautiful paintings such as “Genesis,” “The Garden of Eden,” and “The Last Supper,” only then did I realize that there was a God in the universe who had created all things. I could not help but have a heart full of veneration for God. After graduating from college, I found a good job very easily, and then I found a great partner. I had finally realized my own hopes as well as those of my forebears: I had escaped the life of keeping our face to the ground and our back to the sky. In 2008, the birth of a child added much more joy to my life. Looking at everything I had in my life, I believed that I should have a happy, comfortable life. However, while I was enjoying that enviable, beautiful life, I could never shake that vague feeling of emptiness deep in my heart. This made me feel very confused and helpless.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

1. Almighty God Is the One True God Who Rules Over All Things

Chapter 1 You Must Know That Almighty God Is the One True God Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and Everything in Them

1. Almighty God Is the One True God Who Rules Over All Things

Relevant Words of God:

Everything of this world swiftly changes with the Almighty’s thoughts and beneath His eyes. Things mankind has never heard of suddenly arrive, whereas things that mankind has long possessed unknowingly slip away. No one can fathom the Almighty’s whereabouts, much less can anyone sense the transcendence and greatness of the Almighty’s life force. He is transcendent in that He can perceive what humans cannot. He is great in that He is the One who is forsaken by mankind and yet saves mankind. He knows the meaning of life and death, and more than that, He knows what rules are appropriate for governing the existence of the mankind that He created. He is the foundation of human existence, and He is the Redeemer who resurrects mankind again. He weighs down happy hearts with sorrow and lifts up sorrowful hearts with happiness, all for the sake of His work, and for the sake of His plan.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Knowing God Is the Path to Fearing God and Shunning Evil

Every one of you should examine anew how you have believed in God throughout your lives, so that you may see whether, in the process of following God, you have truly understood, truly comprehended, and truly come to know God, whether you truly know what attitude God bears to the various types of human beings, and whether you truly understand the work that God is enacting upon you and how God defines your every act. This God, who is by your side, guiding the direction of your progress, ordaining your destiny, and supplying your needs—how much do you understand this God, when all is said and done. How much do you really know about this God? Do you know what work He enacts on you every single day? Do you know the principles and purposes on which He bases His every action? Do you know how He guides you? Do you know the means by which He provides for you? Do you know the methods by which He leads you? Do you know what He wishes to obtain from you and what He wishes to achieve in you? Do you know the attitude He holds toward the various ways in which you behave? Do you know whether you are a person beloved of Him? Do you know the origin of His joy, anger, sorrow, and delight, the thoughts and ideas behind them, and His essence? Do you know, ultimately, what kind of God is this God that you believe in? Are these and other questions of the sort something that you have never understood or thought about? In pursuing your belief in God, have you, through real appreciation and experience of God’s words, dispelled your misunderstandings about Him? Have you, after receiving God’s discipline and chastening, attained genuine obedience and caring? Have you, in the midst of God’s chastisement and judgment, come to know the rebelliousness and satanic nature of man and gained a modicum of understanding about God’s holiness? Have you, under the guidance and enlightenment of God’s words, begun to hold a new outlook on life? Have you, in the midst of the trials sent by God, felt His intolerance for man’s offenses as well as what He requires of you and how He is saving you? If you do not know what it is to misunderstand God, or how to dispel this misunderstanding, then one can say that you have never entered into true communion with God and have never understood God, or at least one can say you have never wished to understand Him. If you do not know what is God’s discipline and chastening, then you surely do not know what are obedience and caring, or at least you have never truly obeyed or cared for God. If you have never experienced God’s chastisement and judgment, then you will surely not know what is His holiness, and you will be even less clear as to what man’s rebellion is. If you have never truly had a correct outlook on life, or a correct aim in life, but are still in a state of perplexity and indecision over your future path in life, even to the point of being hesitant to move forward, then it is certain that you have never received God’s enlightenment and guidance; one can also say that you have never truly been supplied or replenished by God’s words. If you have not yet undergone God’s trials, then it goes without saying that you will certainly not know what is God’s intolerance for man’s offenses, nor would you understand what God ultimately requires of you, and even less what, ultimately, is His work of managing and saving man. No matter how many years a person has believed in God, if they have never experienced or perceived anything in God’s words, then assuredly they are not walking the path toward salvation, their faith in God is assuredly without actual content, their knowledge of God too is assuredly zero, and it goes without saying that they have no idea at all what it is to revere God.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Praise Hymns | I Treasure God's Word

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | I Treasure God's Word

You speak to lead me forward, so now my life bears light. Your chastisement left me fearful, but I didn't understand Your heart. Your stern words revealed my nature; I doubted what You said. I hurt You in the process, I've been such a fool. Foolish was I, not knowing Your word is life. But because of these truths, I've come so far since. No matter when or where, Your life-bearing words and grace let me see how Christ is truth, the way, and the life. He's my one and only, He's my one and only.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead (Part 2)

Jan 5, 2019
Almighty God’s words explain to us what “dead person” and “living person” mean. In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve. They were living human beings with spirits, they possessed conscience and reason and they were able to manifest God and honor God. Afterward, they were seduced by Satan into eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a result, they were filled with the poison of Satan. They were no longer devoted to God nor did they obey God. They had lost any semblance to the people God had created in the beginning. Even though their flesh still lived, in God’s eyes they had already become dead people with no spirits. Presently, we are being corrupted more and more by Satan. We are full of Satan’s corrupt dispositions such as arrogance, selfishness, treachery, maliciousness and greed. It has gotten to the point where, when we encounter something that is not in accordance with our own ideas, we complain to God, judge God, resist God and betray God.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Testimonies of Christians | I Have Found True Happiness

The Church of Almighty God, Testimonies of Christians
Happy Family

Testimonies of Christians | I Have Found True Happiness

By Zhang Hua, Cambodia
I was born into an ordinary farming family. Even though my family was not wealthy, my father and mother loved each other and treated me very well. Our family life was quite abundant and blessed. After I grew up, I told myself: I must find a husband that will treat me well and I must establish a blissful and happy family. This is what is most important. I do not seek riches, I only need to have a loving relationship with my husband and a peaceful family life.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...