Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2018

God Conquers me, an Atheist | The Church of Almighty God

God Conquers me, an Atheist

Explore Eastern Lightning | January 23, 2018 | Investigation & Testimonies

By Guihui

I was once an atheist and materialist. I did everything by relying on my own two eyes and using science as the basis. In my belief, I believed nothing but money, much less did I believe that there is a God in this world. It was not until I experienced the thing of facing final separation that I understood that money cannot save our life and that seeing is believing is purely a fallacy.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Praise God for His Love and Mercy | The Call of God | Musical Show "Gospel Choir 9th Performance" | The Church of Almighty God

Praise God for His Love and Mercy | The Call of God | Musical Show "Gospel Choir 9th Performance"


Songs of Choir: 
1.The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind 
2.Man’s True Condition of Being Corrupted by Satan 
3.The Practical God Saves Men in Obscurity

1.The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind 

Man walked through the ages with God, yet man knows not that God rules the fate of all things and living beings or how God orchestrates and directs all things. This is something that has eluded man since time immemorial to the present day. As for the reason why, it is not because the ways of God are too elusive, or because the plan of God has yet to be realized, but because the heart and spirit of man are too distant from God. Therefore, even as man follows God, he unknowingly remains in the service of Satan.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Gospel Movie Clip "Faith in God" (5) - Is Working Painstakingly for the Lord the Reality of Belief in the Lord? | The Church of Almighty God


 Gospel Movie Clip "Faith in God" (5) - Is Working Painstakingly for the Lord the Reality of Belief in the Lord?

Most believers believe that so long as we keep the Lord's name, pray often, read the Bible and have meetings, and so long as we abandon things, expend and work painstakingly for the Lord, then this is a true belief in the Lord, and we will be able to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord returns. Is this kind of view correct?

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Gospel Movie Clip "Faith in God" (3) - What Do God's Work and Appearance Bring to the Religious Community? | The Church of Almighty God


Gospel Movie Clip "Faith in God" (3) - What Do God's Work and Appearance Bring to the Religious Community? | The Church of Almighty God

Each time God becomes flesh and appears to do His work, Satan's evil forces savagely defy and condemn the true way. In this way, war arises within the spiritual world which divides and exposes the religious world. The Lord Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10:34).

Monday, December 18, 2017

Christian Movie Trailer | The Lord Jesus Christ Has Appeared "Who's Nailing God to the Cross Again?" | The Church of Almighty God

Gu Shoucheng is a pastor in a house church in China. He has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been working consistently on his sermons, and he has been all over preaching the gospel. He has been arrested and imprisoned because of preaching the gospel, and did 12 years' time. After getting out of prison, Gu Shoucheng continued to work in the church.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Who Is My Lord | Christian Short Film "The Three Self Church Is My Umbrella"

One time, the Chinese Communist government captured many Christians of the Church of Almighty God from a particular location late at night. This matter caused a huge commotion locally. It triggered discussions amongst the members of the Three-Self Church. Some people believed that the Eastern Lightning has suffered the Chinese Communist government's cruel suppression and persecution. It is too dangerous to believe in the Eastern Lightning, and it is safest to believe in the Three-Self Church.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Best Salvation | Short Film "God's Work Has Made Me Live Out the Likeness of a Man" | The Church of Almighty God

He has worked in the construction and decoration industry for fifteen years. As to how such jerry-built buildings as “the leaning building” and “the falling building” were produced, he knows it better than anyone else. In this dark society where if one doesn’t practice the “unspoken rule” of “collusion between officials and businessmen,” he’ll have no business, in order to survive, he helplessly followed the evil trends of the society.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Gospel Movie "Mission of Love" (3) - The Way to be Purified and Saved | The Church of Almighty God

By His crucifixion, the Lord Jesus has redeemed us from sin. Why does man still need God's work of judgment in the last days to be purified and saved? Here you'll get the answer.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Power of God's Word | Short Film "God's Love Accompanied Me in the Affliction" | Eastern Lightning

Power of God's Word | Short Film "God's Love Accompanied Me in the Affliction" | Eastern Lightning

Ge Zhen is a church leader of the Church of Almighty God. Because of believing in God, she was watched by the CCP government secretly for half a year. Once in transferring the money used for preaching the gospel, she was arrested by the police. In order to seize more church offerings, the CCP government cruelly tortured Ge Zhen and another church leader over and over, even dragging them to a secret place in deep mountains to set up a court and interrogate by cruel torture.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Church of Almighty God The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More Micro Film

 The Church of Almighty God The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More Micro Film

Liu Zhen, 78 years old, is a typical rural housewife. After believing in God, she felt unparalleled joy from reading His words and singing songs of praise to Him every day, and frequently gathering with her brothers and sisters to fellowship on the truth. … However, good things never last. She is arrested and persecuted by the Chinese Communist government, putting her in a terrible predicament.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Cowardly Cannot Enter the Kingdom of Heaven | "The Three-Self Church Is My Umbrella" | The Church of Almighty God

One time, the Chinese Communist government captured many Christians of the Church of Almighty God from a particular location late at night. This matter caused a huge commotion locally. It triggered discussions amongst the members of the Three-Self Church. Some people believed that the Eastern Lightning has suffered the Chinese Communist government's cruel suppression and persecution. It is too dangerous to believe in the Eastern Lightning, and it is safest to believe in the Three-Self Church.They will not suffer hardships and they will be able to enter the heavenly kingdom. Other people believed that the Eastern Lightning is indeed the true way, but the persecution and arrest it faces is too severe.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

In Search of a Bright Life | "Child, Come Back Home" (Christian Video) | The Church of Almighty God

Li Xinguang is a senior high school student. He had been a sensible and well-behaved boy since he was little. His parents and his teachers were very fond of him. While going to middle school, he became infatuated with internet computer games. He would frequently skip classes in order to go to the internet café. His parents did their utmost with helping him break his internet addiction. Unfortunately, Li Xinguang's addiction became worse and worse and he fell into depravity. … When Li Xinguang's parents felt that they were at their wit's end, they heard that God is capable of saving people, helping them break their internet addiction and break free from Satan's corruption. As a result, they decided to believe in God and looked forward to God saving their son. From God's words, they understood the source of mankind's corruption and depravity.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"

Yu Congguang preaches the gospel for the Church of Almighty God. While preaching the gospel, he was pursued by the Chinese Communist government. He fled to the mountains, where he received help from Zheng Xun, a co-worker of the local house church. When they first met each other, they felt like they had already known each other for a long time. Zheng Xun took Yu Congguang to the thatched shack where he and his co-workers gathered. There, a debate unfolded among Zheng Xun and his co-workers over whether or not a believer in God should obey those in power. Yu Congguang gave fellowship in light of this issue and dispelled their confusion.

Monday, August 21, 2017

"Rapture in Peril" (7) - Difference Between the Words in Accord With the Truth and the Truth Itself | The Church of Almighty God

     What is the essential difference between the words spoken by man that accord with the truth and the truth itself? This clip will uncover the mysteries for you.

    Zhao Zhigang is an elder at the Local Church in China. Like many Christians, his greatest hope as a believer in the Lord is to be raptured alive, meet the Lord and rule with Him. In 1999, after the church leaders released the message, "In the year 2000 the Lord shall come again, and His believers will be raptured alive," he was even more excited and enthusiastic than before.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (6) - The Difference Between the Work of Men Used by God and That of Religious Leaders | The Church of Almighty God

    What's the difference between the work of the man used by God and the work of religious leaders and personalities? What are the consequences of being unable to differentiate between the two? This movie clip will explain it clearly to you.

    Zhao Zhigang is an elder at the Local Church in China. Like many Christians, his greatest hope as a believer in the Lord is to be raptured alive, meet the Lord and rule with Him. In 1999, after the church leaders released the message, "In the year 2000 the Lord shall come again, and His believers will be raptured alive," he was even more excited and enthusiastic than before. Brimming with faith and confidence, he looked to the future with hope and expectation….

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Gospel Movie clip "Break Through the Snare" (1) - Awakening From Deception | The Church of Almighty God

    See through the rumors, break through the snare, and receive the shepherding of Almighty God’s word to be raptured before God’s throne. 

    Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus did the redemptive work, He suffered the wild slander and condemnation of the Jewish religious world, and was nailed to the cross by the Jewish leaders and the Roman government. In the last days, when Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus comes to China and does the work of judgment, He again suffers the condemnation, suppression, and persecution of the CCP government and the religious world. The widespread rumors, which judge and slander the Church of Almighty God, are like an invisible snare, covering and controlling numerous believers. The tragedy of history repeats itself…

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Almighty God’s Word Saved Me | Ironclad Proofs of God’s Words Conquering Denominations’ and Sects’ Leaders

Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus, Gospel, The Church of Almighty God
Almighty God’s Word Saved Me | Ironclad Proofs of God’s Words Conquering Denominations’ and Sects’ Leaders

82 Almighty God’s Word Saved Me

Chen Wenge

Benxi City, Liaoning Province

I was once a preacher in the True Jesus Church. In October 1998, I accepted Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. When I knew that Almighty God I had resisted and slandered was the returned Savior Jesus whom I had been eagerly waiting for, I was very regretful and hated myself for being arrogant and not seeking the truth and thus becoming a Pharisee of the present age.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Warnings of the Last Days From God | "The Days of Noah Have Come" |The Church of Almighty God

    Let's look back on mankind during the age of Noah. Man was engaged in all kinds of evil activities paying no thought to repentance. Nobody listened to the word of God. Their rigidity and evil aroused God's anger and in the end, they were swallowed up by the disaster of the great flood. Only Noah and his family of eight listened to God's word and were able to survive. Now, the last days have already arrived.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

New Gospel Movie | Know the Judgment in the Last Days "Song of Victory" | The Church of Almighty God

    The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has reverberated throughout every sect and group. Following the spreading of the kingdom gospel, Almighty God's words are accepted and spread by more and more people, true believers in God who thirst for Him to appear have been returning one by one before God's throne. In the meantime, the Chinese government and religious pastors and elders have ceaselessly repressed and persecuted the Church of Almighty God from start to finish.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hear God's Voice and Meet the Returned Jesus | Official Trailer "Waiting"

    Yang Hou'en is a pastor at a house church in China. With his father Yang Shoudao, they have awaited the Lord Jesus to descend from the clouds and take them up into the kingdom of heaven. For this, they diligently worked for the Lord, held fast to His name, and believed that anyone who is not the Lord Jesus descending from the clouds is a false Christ. And so, when they heard the news of the Lord's second coming, they did not listen to it or accept it. They thought that it was best to watch and wait…. While they waited passively, Yang Hou'en's cousin Li Jiayin accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days, and spread the gospel to them. After some intense discussions, Yang Hou'en finally understood the true meaning of "watch and wait," and could see that Almighty God's words were the truth, the way, the life, and these were the utterances of the Lord, and Almighty God was the second coming of the Lord Jesus that they had waited for so many years….

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...