Showing posts with label Praise God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Praise God. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2019

2019 Praise and Worship Song | "God's Love Has Melted My Heart"

2019 Praise and Worship Song | "God's Love Has Melted My Heart"

Hearing Your kind call, I return before You.
Your words enlighten, I see my corruption.

I’ve often been cold to You, hurt and saddened You,
hard-hearted, rebelled, left You alone.
Why is Your love for man repaid with pain?
I hate my hard heart and my deep corruption.
Filthy, unworthy to see You, of Your love.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Praise Hymns | God's Love Always Remains in My Heart

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | God's Love Always Remains in My Heart

In my journey of following God, I have enjoyed all of His love. His words and His requirements are all His protection and love. In my times of great weakness and tears, God's words encourage me on. Through all the times I've been let down, His words lift me back on my feet. (God) Your love is precious, without regrets. Your love in me I deeply feel. (Almighty God) You are so lovely. (Your love) Your love I recall. (God, Your love) Your love I recall. Your love, Your love I recall.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Praise Hymns | All of Mankind, Come to Worship God

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | All of Mankind, Come to Worship God

Lightning flashes from East to West. Christ of the last days has appeared, working in China. His true light shines forth, people go in search Oh Almighty GodFull of power and glory. His chosen ones come before His throne. God has appeared in the world to carry out His work. All of mankind, come worship and revere Him. Worship and revere Him. Oh, yeah.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Praise Hymns | O Almighty God, You Are So Glorious

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | O Almighty God, You Are So Glorious

Verse 1
Almighty God, Christ of the last days, You're the Savior come again. You've expressed truths and started the end-times judgment. Your words cleanse man with power and authority. They're truth, revealing You as, as holy and righteous. You judge the old world, all nations and people. Your words accomplish all, defeating Satan.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Praise Hymns | God's love be extolled forevermore

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | God's love be extolled forevermore
What do You ask for as You bear great humiliation? Who do You labor and worry for? Hurrying here and there to carry out God's willYou think only of this work. In the tiger's den, You express truth to save man, quietly endure rejection and slander. Yes, Your love be extolled, forevermore, forevermore. Yes, Your love be extolled, forevermore, forevermore.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Praise Hymns | Song of Heartfelt Attachment

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | Song of Heartfelt Attachment

Here is One, He is God in the flesh. What He says, what He does, all is the truth. His wisdom, His righteousness, I love them all. Meeting Him, having Him, I am so blessed. Here is One, He is God in the flesh. What He says, what He does, all is the truth. His wisdom, His righteousness, I love them all. Meeting Him, having Him, so blessed am I. His heart, His love have me conquered. Give Him love, follow Him, oh my beloved. I love Him, I feel sweet, suffer for Him. Gain Him, live for Him, forever love Him.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Praise Hymns | All the Peoples Praise Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | All the Peoples Praise Almighty God

Almighty God, He is God incarnate. He issues truth, judging and cleansing all. Now God prevails over Satan's power. He conquers and gains a group of people. Praise wise and mighty God. Satan He's defeated. God's righteous disposition has been revealed. All come to praise Almighty Godthe lovely, practical God. You are so humble and hidden. We praise You Almighty God! All come to praise Almighty God, the lovely, practical God. You are so humble and hidden. We praise You Almighty God!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Praise Hymns | Time

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymn
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | Time

A lonely soul has traveled from afar, probing the future, seeking the past, toiling arduously, and pursuing a dream. It knows not whence it comes or it goes, born in tears and fading in despair. Though trampled underfoot, it is still holding on. Your coming puts an end to afflicted life adrift. I catch a sight of hope, and welcome the light of dawn. I gaze into the misty distance, I catch a glimpse of Your shape. That is the radiance, the radiance of Your face.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Praise Hymn | You Are in My Heart

The Church of Almighty God, Christian Testimonies
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymn | You Are in My Heart

When doing my duty away from home, I think of You, and I pray to You. Through reading Your words, I've come to trust You more and my heart is soothed, oh. To bear witness for You, I suffer much pain, and I know even better how lovely You are. Following You, I'll walk ever on to the end. When You change Your form, we'll welcome Your return, whoa, we'll welcome Your return.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Praise Hymn | A Heart-to-Heart With God

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymn
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymn | A Heart-to-Heart With God

Oh God! There is so much in my heart I want to say to You. Through Your words, my heart's door opened, I heard Your voice. Your words are truth, nourishing my heart like spring water. Thinking of Your words, my heart's bright, at peace, joy, ease. I have now understood the truth through practicing Your words. I see You're righteous, holy, true love in Your words. I feel Your loveliness; You're so worthy of love. In faith I've enjoyed peace, joy; to You I'm closer. I have now seen that the judgment of the last days is so meaningful for the corrupt humanity. So I have resolved that I will pursue the truth, perform my duty to repay Your love for me. 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hymns of Praise to God | All the Kingdom Rejoices

The Church of Almighty God, Hymns of Praise to God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Hymns of Praise to God | All the Kingdom Rejoices

When the whole world returns to God, His work throughout the universe follows His voice. People will use many ways to receive His words. All draw close and worship GodThese will be God's works. When the whole kingdom rejoices, it's God's glory day. Nations and people that come to you to get His good news will be blessed by God.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Praise Hymns - Almighty God, My Heart Belongs to You

The Church of Almighty God, Church Hymns

Praise Hymns  - Almighty God, My Heart Belongs to You

Whose words are sweetest and nourished my spirit? Whose love's most beautiful and seized my heart? Whose work's most wonderful, cleansing man's vice? Who gives salvationtakes me to God's throne? Who expresses the truth to save man? Who makes me see the light once again? Who is the most lovable person? Who's the one that I will think of always? Almighty God, my beloved, You're in my heart. Almighty God, my beloved, You own my heart.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Praise Hymns | The Most Meaningful Life

The Church of Almighty God, praise hymns
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise Hymns | The Most Meaningful Life

As a created being, you should worship GodAs a created being, you must pursue the most meaningful life. You are people who pursue the right path. You are people who seek progress. You are people who rise up in the nation of the great red dragon. You are people whom God calls righteous. Isn't that the most meaningful life, the most meaningful life? 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Praise God Hymn | I Can't Say All That Is in My Heart

The Church of Almighty God,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise God Hymn | I Can't Say All That Is in My Heart


Today I have met You, my hopes have all come true. I have enjoyed all the riches in Your warm, loving embrace. Your heart is truly beautiful, Your love captivates me. What You have and what You are, they are so precious to me. I can't describe, there are no words: How lovely is Almighty GodYou live here amongst mankind and set examples in every way. Your love is my companion. Your words ever supply me. You refine and cleanse me. In suffering judgment, I taste the sweetness within. In Your true love for me, I cannot say all in my heart. Purified, I am Yours, and I'll love You forever!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Praise God Hymn | Oh God, I Cannot Be Without You

The Church of Almighty God, Praise God Hymn, Kingdown Praise
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Praise God Hymn | Oh God, I Cannot Be Without You

It is You who brings me before You. It is Your sweet words, it is Your gentle love, Your enrapturing love, that holds my heart so tight, that makes my heart in love with You from this day on. Oh … My heart always thinks of You. Oh … My heart always thinks of You.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Gospel Music | With Refinement Comes Faith

The Church of Almighty God, Gospel music
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Gospel Music  | With Refinement Comes Faith

If you understand God's actions on the path of life, He will appear to you, He will guide you from within. If you can't obey His words, God cannot do His work. If you lack faith, lose hope in God, how will you experience? If your faith is true, if your faith is without doubt, if you open your heart to Him, He will perfect you, enlighten your experience. If your faith, if your faith is true. If your faith, if your faith is true.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Praise Hymns | The Spirit of Peter—The Banner of Victory

The Church of Almighty God, Praise Hymns

Praise Hymns | The Spirit of Peter—The Banner of Victory

The Word appearing in the flesh is God Himself. He's the real true God in front of our eyes. Before ages He predestined my birth in the last days. He's conquered and saved, bestowed life on me. I forge this ultimate love with God, spirit of Peter shows in the last days. God's creative power is limitless, new people He's made in His image. I resolve to follow the practical God, come what may. I will not rest until I have known God. Unfit to be called human if I can't suffer for Him. Ashamed if I cannot repay His love.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Praise God Hymn | I Want to Sing for God | Church Hymn

The Church of Almighty God, Church Hymn, Praise God Hymn

Praise God Hymn | I Want to Sing for God | Church Hymn

I've gained much from God's truthful work. From His words, man's corruption I've seen. From His truth, God's disposition, the meaning of life I have known. God's judgment reveals man's rebellion, satanic corruption is seen. Trials reveal my lack of truth, falling before God I repent. I want to sing for God, to sing the words that are in my heart. From the world He has chosen me, saved me through His work. I want to sing for God, to sing the words that are in my heart. From the world He has chosen me, saved me through His work. I want to sing for God.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Contemporary Worship Songs | Almighty God, the King of Glory | Praise God Hymn

The Church of Almighty God, Praise God hymn,

Contemporary Worship Songs | Almighty God, the King of Glory | Praise God Hymn

Almighty God is the God who created heaven and earth, the one true God who governs all things. He sits upon the great throne and judges all peoples and rules all nations with His iron rod. God incarnate rules as king. When He appears in the East, in majesty and wrath, His kingdom has come! Almighty God is the Lamb, man's only Redeemer. The only way man is saved is through Him. Almighty God is the truth, the way, the life. He is the King of glory, forever. Amen! Almighty God is the Lamb. Almighty God is the Lamb. Almighty God is the Lamb. Almighty God is the Lamb.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Sing and Dance Happily to Praise God | "All Nations and All Peoples Praise Almighty God" (MV)

Sing and Dance Happily to Praise God | "All Nations and All Peoples Praise Almighty God" (MV)

God was incarnated as Almighty God, expressing the truth to judge and purify man. Now God has gained victory over the forces of Satan, God has conquered and gained a group of people. Praise God, almighty and wise, He has defeated Satan. Praise God, His righteous disposition has been completely revealed. All come to praise Almighty God, the lovely and practical God. 

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...