Showing posts with label Spiritual Warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Warfare. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2020

How to Overcome Temptation in Spiritual Warfare

Jingxing, South Korea

Brothers and sisters,

I wish you peace in the Lord! Not infrequently, all sorts of spiritual warfare will occur throughout our time of faith in and following God. There are temptations regarding money, status and name, and temptations between men and women, as well as slander by unbelievers, obstruction and suppression from loved ones, as well as being hunted down and persecuted by a satanic regime. Sometimes completely unexpected calamities befall us. The Bible says: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). God’s words say: “On earth, all manner of evil spirits are endlessly on the prowl for a place to rest, are ceaselessly searching for the corpses of men to eat up” (“The Tenth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh). There isn’t a single moment that Satan is not by our side, racking its brains to use any person, event, or thing to tempt, test, and persecute us, trying to get us to sink into evil, into disaster and to distance ourselves from God, to betray Him so that in the end we may be swallowed whole by it. If we lack the truth, we also lack discernment; if we cannot clearly see spiritual warfare, if we cannot remain firm in God’s words, we will be likely to go after fleshly benefits and preferences, falling into Satan’s web and losing our testimony. As Christians, learning how to recognize Satan’s trickery is critical. So what can we do to enable ourselves to see through Satan’s trickery in the midst of spiritual warfare and stand witness for God? I’d like to share some fellowship with you on three paths of practice for triumphing over Satan’s temptations.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Christian Testimonies | I Overcome Satan’s Temptations by Relying on God

The Church of Almighty God, Christian Testimonies
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Christian Testimonies | I Overcome Satan’s Temptations by Relying on God
Sep 13, 2019
By Xinzhi, Australia
When returning to South Africa to handle some affairs in December 2017, I met a sister in the Lord, who told me that the Lord Jesus has returned as the incarnated Almighty God. She also fellowshiped with me in detail about such truths and mysteries as God’s six-thousand-year management plan, the purpose of God’s three stages of work and the significance of God’s name. After listening to her fellowship, I felt both amazed and excited. I had never before heard these truths, but I knew that only God Himself could reveal the mysteries of His work. I therefore became certain from the bottom of my heart that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned, and I gladly accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. Every day, I enjoyed the watering and supply of God’s words and I felt incredibly at ease and supported. Little did I know, however, that Satan’s temptations were hiding just around the corner …

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Spiritual Warfare Testimonies | God’s Word Is My Strength (Part 2)

The Church of Almighty God, Spiritual Warfare Testimonies

Spiritual Warfare Testimonies | God’s Word Is My Strength (Part 2)

Feb 26, 2018

One night, I put my phone on the table, and I didn’t expect that my husband would pick it up and look through my chat record with my sister. He very angrily said to me, “You are still in contact with them, and your chat lasted for two hours.” Then, he showed me more negative information online. He also used various ways to monitor me and prevent me from having contact with my sister on my phone. I lost my church life again, and couldn’t get help from my sister. After that, my husband kept sending me the rumors he found online, and disturbed and obstructed me from having any contact with my brothers and sisters. My husband’s persecution and obstruction made me miserable, and unconsciously I began to feel weak again, “Why is my husband so opposed to me believing in Almighty God? I only want to , why is it so hard? When can I believe in God without so much disturbance? Is this going to be my life from now on?” When I thought of that, I tried to stop my tears from falling, but I couldn’t, and I felt especially lonely and helpless. I didn’t know how I could go on, and I can’t count how many times I cried over that feeling. In my misery, all I could do was pray to God, “God! I don’t know what to do in the face of my husband’s persecution, I don’t know how to experience this, but I believe that whatever the environment, You have Your good intentions. I ask for Your guidance and the faith to experience this.”

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Spiritual Warfare Testimonies | Lost and Found Again

The Church of Almighty God, Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare Testimonies | Lost and Found Again

Feb 27, 2018
By Xieli, U.S.A
I came to the U.S.A. to work as hard as I could in pursuit of a happy life with a high standard of living. Though I suffered no little over the first few years, with time I was able to start my own company, get my own car, my own house, etc. I was finally living the “happy” life that I’d dreamed of. During this period, I made a few friends; in our free time we’d go out to eat, drink, and have some fun. We all got on pretty well together, and I thought I’d met a good bunch of guys. But then I came to realize that they were all just drinking buddies who didn’t have a single substantial thing to say, and when I was worried or depressed there was not one of them I could go to share my troubles with. Not only that, but they schemed to rip me off: One of them lied to me about his mother in China being really ill and when I lent him some money he disappeared without a trace. Another, from my hometown, told a bunch of lies about needing financing for a project and cheated me out of some money. And even the person nearest and dearest to me—my girlfriend—betrayed me and cheated me out of a large sum of money that it had taken me years of blood, sweat, and tears to accumulate. The heartlessness of these people and the indifference of society left me depressed and disheartened. For a time I lost the confidence to keep on living; my heart was empty, and I was in pain and helpless. After that, I often turned to eating, drinking and having fun to fill the emptiness within me, but I knew that these temporary physical pleasures couldn’t resolve my spiritual suffering at all.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Spiritual Warfare - Opening the Door to My Heart and Welcoming the Lord’s Return

The Church of Almighty God, Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual WarfareOpening the Door to My Heart and Welcoming the Lord’s Return

By Yong Yuan, U.S.A.
In November of 1982, our whole family emigrated to the USA. We had all had faith in the Lord since my grandfather’s generation, so we found a Chinese church in New York’s Chinatown soon after arriving in the United States so we could attend mass. We never missed a single mass, and my mother and sister were especially good about reading the scriptures whenever they had time in order to seek God’s blessing and protection. The priest would often say: “When the Lord comes, He will judge people publicly and divide them into categories: Those who truly repent and confess and practice their faith will be able to go to heaven; those who commit minor sins but not grave ones will suffer the torment of purgatory, but they will still be able to be saved and ascend to heaven; those who do not believe in God or commit sins that are too grave will suffer the punishment of hell.” These words left a deep impression on my heart, just as if they had been branded there. They spurred me to believe in God enthusiastically, and no matter how busy I was, I never failed to go to mass.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Spiritual Warfare: I Rely on God to Defeat Satan (Part 2)

Pictures of the Church of Almighty God, God's words

Spiritual Warfare: I Rely on God to Defeat Satan (Part 2)

By Wang Lin, China

Feb 19, 2019

I Encounter Satan’s Deceitful Schemes Once Again

When the day of our next meeting came, more than 10 brothers and sisters had just arrived at my home when six leaders and co-workers from my old church turned up on motorcycles. Their faces were grave, and they had a haughty look about them. When I saw them, I couldn’t help but feel a little timid and afraid, and I thought to myself: “I wonder what they will do to threaten and intimidate me today. I understand too few truths and I’m not able to refute their fallacies. What if I end up deceived by them?” And so, I hurriedly said a prayer to God: “O Almighty God! Faced with these religious co-workers, I feel a little timid and I don’t know how to handle it. I ask that You protect my heart and that You give me faith, wisdom and the power of discernment so that I am not deceived by the fallacies they spread, and so that I am able to rely on You to stand witness.” After praying, my heart gradually became calm.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Spiritual Warfare: I Rely on God to Defeat Satan (Part 1)

Pictures of the Church of Almighty God,Christians gathering

Spiritual Warfare: I Rely on God to Defeat Satan (Part 1)

Feb 19, 2019

By Wang Lin, China

I Rejoice to Welcome the Lord’s Return

The year I turned 36, I developed bone hyperplasia, and despite going to many hospitals for treatment, nothing had any effect whatsoever. In the spring of 1996, I began to believe in the Lord Jesus and, by the mercy of the Lord, my illness was healed. From that time on, I began to pursue my faith in great earnestness and before long I became a co-worker in my church. In September 1998, two sisters came and testified to us of God’s work in the last days. By reading Almighty God’s words, I became certain that Almighty God is indeed the returned Lord Jesus for whom we have so desperately longed and I, along with over 130 brothers and sisters from my church, accepted God’s work of the last days. I was thrilled—never had I imagined that I would be able to welcome the return of the Redeemer in my lifetime, and I thanked the exaltation and grace of God from the bottom of my heart. Afterward, I avidly read Almighty God’s words and my spirit was nourished. Just as I was feeling immersed in the joy of being reunited with the Lord, however, the leaders and co-workers from my old church tried every possible way to obstruct me and harass me, and thus a spiritual war began …

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...