Showing posts with label God's blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's blessings. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

2019 Christian Music Video | "Song of Sweet Love"

2019 Christian Music Video "Song of Sweet Love" | Praise and Thank God for His Love

In my heart, Your love’s hidden away. It leads me closer to You in the sweetest way. Working in service of Your heart has made mine better yet. I serve You with heart and mind, nothing else I want to get. Your words guide my heart, and I follow Your steps. I will bring Your will to life, satisfying You feels best. You have taken me to a better place, a realm with only You and I. No worries can get by. Your words cleanse my corruption, they have filled my heart. I love You, oh, I love You, Your words are my life’s greatest part. What fortune to be saved by You. I’ll forever love You and sing Your praise.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Praise Hymns | God's Love Stays Forever Among Men

The Church of Almighty God

 Praise Hymns | God's Love Stays Forever Among Men

The common and humble person, You conquer my unruly heart. You create wonders in the flesh. Wherever Your feet fall, Your life shines. Your merciless judgment is love. Your distress shows between the lines. You endure humiliation and You selflessly sacrifice. Your love is my companion. Forever it stays in my heart. I have received Your total love. In faith and love eternally.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Christian Testimonies | I Overcome Satan’s Temptations by Relying on God

The Church of Almighty God, Christian Testimonies
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Christian Testimonies | I Overcome Satan’s Temptations by Relying on God
Sep 13, 2019
By Xinzhi, Australia
When returning to South Africa to handle some affairs in December 2017, I met a sister in the Lord, who told me that the Lord Jesus has returned as the incarnated Almighty God. She also fellowshiped with me in detail about such truths and mysteries as God’s six-thousand-year management plan, the purpose of God’s three stages of work and the significance of God’s name. After listening to her fellowship, I felt both amazed and excited. I had never before heard these truths, but I knew that only God Himself could reveal the mysteries of His work. I therefore became certain from the bottom of my heart that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned, and I gladly accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. Every day, I enjoyed the watering and supply of God’s words and I felt incredibly at ease and supported. Little did I know, however, that Satan’s temptations were hiding just around the corner …

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hymns of Praise to God | All the Kingdom Rejoices

The Church of Almighty God, Hymns of Praise to God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Hymns of Praise to God | All the Kingdom Rejoices

When the whole world returns to God, His work throughout the universe follows His voice. People will use many ways to receive His words. All draw close and worship GodThese will be God's works. When the whole kingdom rejoices, it's God's glory day. Nations and people that come to you to get His good news will be blessed by God.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Gospel Music | "Song of the Overcomers" | God Has Made a Group of Overcomers in China

The Church of Almighty God,

 Gospel Music | "Song of the Overcomers" | God Has Made a Group of Overcomers in China

The kingdom is growing in this world. It's forming among man. It's rising among man. No force can destroy God's kingdom. God walks among His people and lives with His people. All those who truly love God, how wonderfully blessed they are! Blessed are those who submit to God. They'll live in His kingdom. Blessed are those who know GodTo them kingdom power He'll give. Blessed are those who seek Him. They'll break free from Satan. For all who leave self behind, kingdom's wealth surely will find. Have you ever accepted God's blessings, sought the promises God Himself gave? With His light guiding you, you will surely break through from the forces of darkness, be saved. In the world shrouded by the darkness, you will not lose the light guiding you. A master you'll be, over all creation, an overcomer before Satan!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Gospel Music | None Can Fathom the Origin of God's Words | Knowing God

The Church of Almighty God, Knowing God,

 Gospel Music | None Can Fathom the Origin of God's Words | Knowing God 

Of all the people in the world, who but lives within God's grace?
If God had not given human beings material blessings, then who would enjoy the sufficiency, the riches in the world? Could it be that only allowing you the chance to take your place, take up your place as the people of God, is itself God's blessingWhat if you were not one of God's people but a service-doer? Does that mean that you would not be living within His blessing? Not one among you can yet understand the root of God's words.
Man is far from treasuring the names that God has conferred.
Many feel resentment in their heart for being called "service-doers." And many start to love God when being called "God's people." So don't ever try to fool God, His eyes see and penetrate all! Who among you receives willingly, and who gives obedience? Understand that if the Kingdom's salute does not get to ring out, would you truly be able to obeyto obey to the end? All of this God has pre-determined: What man can do, or think, how far he can go. What if you were not one of God's people but a service-doer? Does that mean that you would not be living within His blessing? Not one among you can yet understand the root of God's wordsoh, the root of God's words.

Source: The Church of Almighty God

Best Christian Video – Find the Appearance of God – Attend the Feast With the Lord – God Incarnate Comes to the World to Save Man

Monday, January 21, 2019

Christian Movie Trailer "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Christian Testimony at Work


Christian Movie Trailer "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Christian Testimony at Work

Wang Xinyu and her husband run a clothing shop, and though at first they try to operate their store with integrity and conscience, they don't earn much money, and their lives are very difficult. But when they see their peers who rely on lying and deception to do business buying cars and houses and living lavish lives, they decide they don't want to be left behind. Guided by their peers, they follow the social trend and begin to do business through lying and trickery.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...