Showing posts with label hymns of praise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hymns of praise. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Return of a Prodigal Son

By Ruth, United States

I was born in a small town in southern China, into a family of believers dating back to my paternal great-grandmother’s generation. Bible stories, hymns of praise and sacred music played in church were my constant companions through the happy days of my childhood. As I started getting older and academic pressure grew, my heart started to slowly grow distant from the Lord. However, the Lord never left me;

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Hymns of Praise | Latin Dance "Praise the Accomplishment of God's Work" | God, I Praise You

Hymns of Praise | Latin Dance "Praise the Accomplishment of God's Work" | God, I Praise You

God’s wisdom and almightiness are shown forth in the change and renewal of all things. The people of God sing and dance to praise the accomplishment of God’s work. At this time, human beings have cast away their filth and corruption amidst the work of God, thus submitting to God and living out the reality of God’s word. They can accept God’s commission and bear witness to God’s faithfulness and righteousness, and have true praise for God in their real experience.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...