Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love

Jan 19, 2015
Wang Yu    Henan Province
My name is Wang Yu. I’m 76 years old. In 1978, I believed in the Lord Jesus because of illness. I received much grace during my believing. Because of that, I was very zealous in working for the Lord, giving messages and preaching the gospel everywhere and also hosting the brothers and sisters. Very soon, the believers in our church increased to over 2000. Then, the persecution of the CCP government also came. In order to stop me from believing in God and preaching the gospel, the policemen searched my house many times. Each time, they would take away anything that was worth some money and could be moved at my home, and they even unscrewed the light bulbs and took them away. Moreover, I was arrested and imprisoned by the Public Security Bureau a dozen times. In 1996, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. Two years later, I experienced more frenzied arrest and persecution of the CCP government. Although having undergone a great many afflictions, I felt God’s salvation and love for me.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Christian Testimonies | God’s Word Is My Real Life

The church of Almighty God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
Christian Testimonies | God’s Word Is My Real Life

Jan 19, 2015
Xu Zhigang    Tianjin City

In the past, I was deeply influenced by Chinese traditional concepts and regarded purchasing property for my children as my life goal. Therefore, I devoted myself to studying car repairing technique and opened up a garage. The business was doing very well. At that time, I thought that man’s destiny was in his own hand. When my wife’s elder sister preached the gospel of Jesus to me, I refused and mocked at her. However, good times didn’t last long. The profits of my garage decreased day by day. No matter how hard I tried, it was in vain. As a result, I was tormented so much that I was exhausted physically and mentally and felt extremely miserable. Every day I sought solace in drink. Once, due to my distraction, I had an accident when driving. The car was badly smashed, but I survived miraculously.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Christian Testimonies | After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

The church of Almighty God,  Christian testimonies
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

  Christian Testimonies | After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

Jan 19, 2015
 Xu Qiang    Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
My name is Xu Qiang. I was once a project contractor. I led many people to undertake contracted projects every year and had a good income. In the eyes of my contemporaries, I had a happy family and smooth career and had a great future, so I should be the happiest man. However, while enjoying the material life, I felt an unexplainable emptiness in my heart. Especially in order to undertake contracted projects, I had to ingratiate myself with the leaders of the relevant departments all day, observing their speech and behavior and fawning and flattering them. All those had to be handled extremely well, or I couldn’t earn money. Moreover, people of the same trade intrigued against one another and guarded and schemed against one another, which made me exhaust all mental efforts…. Thus, I felt very bitter and tired and felt as if I became a puppet and a moneymaking machine, losing my dignity and integrity completely. In 1999, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. The feeling of release in the church life and the simplicity and honesty of the brothers and sisters made me deeply moved. I liked very much to live the church life and even more liked to stay with the brothers and sisters, and I treasured such time very much. As I read God’s word and attended meetings constantly, I understood many truths and was greatly released in my heart. I felt very thankful that I had found the true human life and the true happiness. And my heart was full of gratitude to God. If God didn’t save me from the sea of misery of the world, I would never have hope in my life. Later, I began to preach the gospel, running joyfully and tirelessly among the people who investigated the true way, so that they could receive Almighty God’s salvation earlier.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Gospel Music | God Is Righteous Toward Everyone

The Church of Almighty God, Gospel music
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Gospel Music | God Is Righteous Toward Everyone

If it's a question of how you seek God, or how you like to treat God, it's your attitude that matters the most. God can't be neglected or left in the back of your mind. No rather, God is living and ever-present, you'll find. He's not up in third heaven, with nothing to do. He is always there watching; He sees what everyone does, He sees everyone's heart, each word, each deed, how they each play their part and treat God. Whether or not you give yourself to God, your thoughts and actions are known to Him. God is righteous towards everyone. Man's conquest and salvation, it's something that matters to Him. He's serious towards everyone, never treats them as pets or a game to be won.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead (Part 2)

Jan 5, 2019
Almighty God’s words explain to us what “dead person” and “living person” mean. In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve. They were living human beings with spirits, they possessed conscience and reason and they were able to manifest God and honor God. Afterward, they were seduced by Satan into eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a result, they were filled with the poison of Satan. They were no longer devoted to God nor did they obey God. They had lost any semblance to the people God had created in the beginning. Even though their flesh still lived, in God’s eyes they had already become dead people with no spirits. Presently, we are being corrupted more and more by Satan. We are full of Satan’s corrupt dispositions such as arrogance, selfishness, treachery, maliciousness and greed. It has gotten to the point where, when we encounter something that is not in accordance with our own ideas, we complain to God, judge God, resist God and betray God.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead (Part 1)

Jan 5, 2019
By Li Cheng
Brothers and sisters, may you have peace in the Lord! Thank the Lord for His preparations that have allowed us to fellowship the truths of the Scriptures here, and may the Lord guide us. Today, I want to fellowship with everybody about the topic “resurrection of the dead.”
The Church of Almighty God, Daily Devotionals
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hymns of Praise to God | All the Kingdom Rejoices

The Church of Almighty God, Hymns of Praise to God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Hymns of Praise to God | All the Kingdom Rejoices

When the whole world returns to God, His work throughout the universe follows His voice. People will use many ways to receive His words. All draw close and worship GodThese will be God's works. When the whole kingdom rejoices, it's God's glory day. Nations and people that come to you to get His good news will be blessed by God.

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?"

2019 Christian Crosstalk | "Who Are the Wise Virgins?" Everyone who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wi...